levaleureux / dr_spec

rspec like for dragonruby
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Dr Spec

A simple DSL and test runner DragonRuby Game Toolkit (DRGTK). It try to mimic rspec.

New to writing tests? Check out this tutorial introducing the concept in DRGTK!

🚧 dr_spec is a work in progress! It works, but the interfaces may change. 🚧


  1. copy lib/dr_spec folder into your dragon ruby projects
  2. create or copy the spec folder
  3. on your app/main.rb or app/test.rb file add require "lib/dr_spec/dragon_specs.rb" at the bottom of file

Basic example

To describe your spec or it block you can use a :symbole or a "string" with any case or spaces.

spec "Numeric Comparison matchers" do
  it "be greater than" do |args, assert|
    expect(10).to be_greater_than 5
  it "be_greater_than_or_equal_to" do |args, assert|
    expect(10).to be_greater_than_or_equal_to 10
  it "be_less_than" do |args, assert|
    expect(5).to be_less_than 10
  it "be_less_than_or_equal_to" do |args, assert|
    expect(5).to be_less_than_or_equal_to 5

# you can use symbol as spec and it desc
spec :boolean_matchers do
  it "be_truthy" do |args, assert|
    expect(true).to be_truthy
  it :be_falsy do |args, assert|
    expect(false).to be_falsy

# You can use context before and after block
context "context_3" do
  before do
    @b = 5
  it "expectation_4" do |args, assert|
    puts "I'm the num 4"
    puts @a = @a * 5 + @b
    assert.equal! @a, 25, "nope 25"
  after do |args, assert|
    @b = 6
    puts "after 4"
    @a = 4 * 5 + @b
    assert.equal! @a, 26, "nope 25"


  1. spec
  2. context
  3. it
  4. xit

it like rspec. If you want to use this lib it's maybe because you already know rspec. If you want more doc please open an issue ;)


!🚧 ! NOTE check the implementation file as the doc is not 100% align with matchers names yet

dr_spec try to replicate some commonly used standard matchers in RSpec:


eq: Verifies that two values are equal.

  1. be >, be >=: Verifies that a value is greater (or greater or equal) than another.
  2. be <, be <=: Verifies that a value is less (or less or equal) than another.


  1. be_truthy: Verifies that a value evaluates to true in a boolean context.
  2. be_falsey: Verifies that a value evaluates to false in a boolean context.
  3. be_nil Verifies that a value evaluates to nil.


  1. be_a(type) or be_an(type): Verifies that the object is an instance of the specified type.
  2. be_instance_of(type): Verifies that the object is an exact instance of the specified type.

Collection Content

  1. include(element): Verifies that an element is included in a collection.
  2. match_array(array): Verifies that the collection is equivalent to the specified array.


  1. start_with(string): Verifies that a string starts with the specified text.
  2. end_with(string): Verifies that a string ends with the specified text.
  3. include(string): Verifies that a string contains the specified text.


There is on this project a will to make a very fast and readable output

some output

Improve de doc

If you want to help on the doc of this project. you can use grip to preview your markdown.

  pip install grip
  grip chemin/vers/votre/fichier.md


thanks to

  1. https://github.com/ekiru for the first PR.
  2. https://github.com/terrainoob for opening some issue.


This project was strongly inspired by https://github.com/DragonRidersUnite/dragon_test

See https://github.com/kfischer-okarin/roguelike-tutorial-2021/tree/main/game/tests and https://github.com/kfischer-okarin/sludge-n-cinder/tree/main/game/tests for good complement

This project is pretty new, so if you want to improve the doc or add other test helper. Feel free to open an issue and make a PR it will be apreciate.