levelbreaded / gumption

CLI tool to manage stacked branches on Git
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CLI for stacked Git commands


First-Time Setup

Before installing packages, make sure to authenticate your local ~/.npmrc to Github Packages so it can read Github Packages.

  1. Generate a PAT using this guide: Creating a Personal Access Token (classic)

    1. Make sure the PAT has atleast `read:packages` scope like so:
        ![image showing permissions required for GH PAT](static/images/ghpermissions.png)
  2. Copy the contents .npmrc.sample file into a newly created .npmrc file in the root of this project. Replace <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE> with the PAT generated above.

    1. Alternative methods and further reading available on GH Docs here: Authenticating to Github Packages.
  3. Run npm i to install dependencies as usual.

  4. Link the package to your global npm packages:

    $ npm link && npm install --global gumption


$ gumption --help

    $ gumption

    --name  Your name

    $ gumption --name=Jane
    Hello, Jane