levelupaik / referbot

A slack integration to refer people as future employees
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A slack integration to refer people as potential new colleagues.
(by LevelUp Ventures | http://www.levelupventures.nl | http://www.ihaterecruiters.io)


Supply env variable for local run You need to have sinatra gem installed. DEV_ENV=test ruby app.rb

80% of new hires come through Sourcing & Referrals.
For developers, this % is even higher.

A referral, is an introduction from a colleague/employee from a potential new employee, usually for a given vacancy. This is usually not a close friend, but more often a 'weak tie'. Could even be someone you've spoken to for 15mins, but you feel the person is talented and/or a good fit.

Referrals work, because:
1/ there's a selective element (good people know good people)
2/ there's a warm introduction (definitely better than anonymous companies or horrible recruiters)

A referral should be super easy to do (little time, little effort), and only works if people are regularly reminded to think about potential cool people to join the company.

Slack is a great tool to do exactly that:
1/ easy: no-login, no-interface, no learning curve, just a chatbot that asks questions
2/ reminding: new vacancies, other people referring, new team members, are all triggers that can initiate a reminder message to the entire company from referbot.

As an MVP, the slack integration will work with Recruitee, an Applicant Tracking System (CRM for vacancies/talent).
Both LevelUp/Ihaterecruiters as well as Recruitee are in same floor in the WeWork building.

it has been done before. Slack integration from another ATS (Workable) with Slack. https://blog.efounders.co/how-we-made-employee-referral-as-easy-as-a-slack-command-line-66a0ac24aad#.9k766a1d3

https://recruitee.com/ for an overview of the ATS we use as MVP.

There will be different kind of users:
1/ REFERRER: a referring employee, basically could be any employee / member of the slack, but it IS the one referring new talent
2/ CTO: this is not the CTO per se, but it's definitely a hiring manager or recruiter. For simplicity's sake, I've thrown them together.