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= ACE View for developers =

Author: Kaarel Kaljurand Version: 2009-06-22

== License ==

Copyright 2008-2009, Attempto Group, University of Zurich (see http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch).

ACE View is free software licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (see LICENSE.txt and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).

See http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/aceview/ for the documentation and information about the used third-party libraries.

== Introduction ==

In the following, "Protege" means "Protege 4.0".

== Files ==

Note: the files do not include Protege and OWL API jars. You have to install Protege separately and set up the paths (as described below) to access the Protege jar-files.

== Getting the source of Protege and building it ==

=== Check-out the source code of Protege ===

svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/protege-standalone/trunk trunk

You could also specify the revision of Protege to be checked out so that the Protege source matches the source that ACE View was tested against. (See the ACE View RELEASE_NOTES.txt for information on which Protege revision was used.)

=== Update the source code of Protege ===

svn up (in the trunk-directory)

Do it if you need to make sure that your local copy of Protege contains the last revision of Protege. Note that updating to the latest revision might break some of the ACE View code, so it is useful to have two revisions checked out, one that seems stable and the other that is the latest. You can develop against the stable revision and occasionally test against that latest one.

=== Clean it ===

ant clean (in the trunk-directory)

=== Build it ===

ant (in the trunk-directory)

== Setting up the ACE View Eclipse project ==

Change the paths to the Protege trunk to the ones that point to your local copy of Protege.

File -> New -> Project ...

Project name: ACE View Create project from existing source Directory: /the root directory of the ACE View source/

== Building ACE View and integrating it with Protege ==

ant (in ACE View root directory)

As a result, Protege is started with the latest changes that you have made to ACE View integrated.

= Code =

== Layout ==

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/ace: This package contains some general ACE utilities: tokenizer, sentence splitter. These will distributed in the Attempto Java Packages at some point, i.e. they will not stay in the ACE View source tree.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview: Most notable classes are: ACESnippet: representation of a snippet ACEText: representation of an ACE text (= set of snippets) ACETextManager: lots of important static methods, many generate events in case a change in the ACE text occurs. ACEPreferences: model for the ACE View preferences ACEPreferencesPanel: UI for the ACE View preferences ACEViewTab: implementation of the ACE View tab. Listens to Protege events and translates them to ACE View events.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/lexicon: This package contains classes for managing the ACE lexicon: ACE lexicon entry types (noun, verb, proper name), ACE lexicon field types (sg, pl, vbg), auto-completer.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/model: This package contains table models. Most of the UI in ACE View is based on tables. These tables get their data from the table models in this package.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/model/event: Events, event type enums, event listener interfaces

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/predicate: This package contains various implementations of the SwingX's HighlightPredicate interface. Used for highlighting entity selections, error messages, etc.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/ui: This package contains: ACESnippetEditor: used by ACE Snippet Editor (extended version of JTextArea) ACETable: used by all ACE View tables (extended version of JXTable) SnippetAutocompleter: pop-up that shows auto-completer results (customized version of a similar auto-completer in Protege)

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/ui/action: This package contains the implementation of two "actions" currently provided by ACE View

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/ui/util: This package contains some utilities, e.g. for an easier creation of the ACE View UI.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/ui/view: Implementations of ACE View view components.

./ch/uzh/ifi/attempto/aceview/util: Some utilities.

= Other =

== Version numbers ==

Before every release, modify these files to update the ACE View version number:

== SVN properties ==

RELEASE_NOTES.html must be served as text/html by Google. To check if it has the right svn property:

$ svn propget svn:mime-type RELEASE_NOTES.html text/html

== Protege and ACE View preferences ==

Are stored in ~/Library/Preferences/ (on Mac OS X).