lewis6991 / satellite.nvim

Decorate scrollbar for Neovim
MIT License
542 stars 20 forks source link


satellite.nvim is a Neovim plugin that displays decorated scrollbars.


NOTE: Many API's required to implement a decorated scrollbar in Neovim do not yet exist, and because of this, this plugin implements fairly unideal and unoptimised workarounds to get desired behaviours.



Neovim nightly


Enabled by default. Configuration can optionally be passed to the setup() function. Here is an example with most of the default settings:

require('satellite').setup {
  current_only = false,
  winblend = 50,
  zindex = 40,
  excluded_filetypes = {},
  width = 2,
  handlers = {
    cursor = {
      enable = true,
      -- Supports any number of symbols
      symbols = { '⎺', '⎻', '⎼', '⎽' }
      -- symbols = { '⎻', '⎼' }
      -- Highlights:
      -- - SatelliteCursor (default links to NonText
    search = {
      enable = true,
      -- Highlights:
      -- - SatelliteSearch (default links to Search)
      -- - SatelliteSearchCurrent (default links to SearchCurrent)
    diagnostic = {
      enable = true,
      signs = {'-', '=', '≡'},
      min_severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT,
      -- Highlights:
      -- - SatelliteDiagnosticError (default links to DiagnosticError)
      -- - SatelliteDiagnosticWarn (default links to DiagnosticWarn)
      -- - SatelliteDiagnosticInfo (default links to DiagnosticInfo)
      -- - SatelliteDiagnosticHint (default links to DiagnosticHint)
    gitsigns = {
      enable = true,
      signs = { -- can only be a single character (multibyte is okay)
        add = "│",
        change = "│",
        delete = "-",
      -- Highlights:
      -- SatelliteGitSignsAdd (default links to GitSignsAdd)
      -- SatelliteGitSignsChange (default links to GitSignsChange)
      -- SatelliteGitSignsDelete (default links to GitSignsDelete)
    marks = {
      enable = true,
      show_builtins = false, -- shows the builtin marks like [ ] < >
      key = 'm'
      -- Highlights:
      -- SatelliteMark (default links to Normal)
    quickfix = {
      signs = { '-', '=', '≡' },
      -- Highlights:
      -- SatelliteQuickfix (default links to WarningMsg)


There are various settings that can be configured. Please see the documentation for details.


Satellite provides an API to implement handlers for the scrollbar, see HANDLERS for more details.


Documentation can be accessed with:

:help satellite


This plugin was based on nvim-scrollview which provides a very good implementation for a normal scrollbar.

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