lewisjdeane / L-Navigation-Drawer

Library allowing you to easily replicate the new style of navigation drawer from Android L.
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L Navigation Drawer

Library allowing you to easily replicate the new style of navigation drawer from Android L. This library consists a custom listview that you place in your navigation drawer and will handle the work for you. "Screenshot 1"

Set up (Android Studio)

Download the aar here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6rnd4z6ek4fijr/lnavigationdrawer.aar?dl=0

You can rename the aar and then place it in the libs directory of your project.

Go into your build.gradle and add the following:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile 'uk.me.lewisdeane.lnavigationdrawer:RENAMED_FILE_NAME_HERE@aar'

        dirs 'libs'


To use this library, use the tag

<uk.me.lewisdeane.lnavigationdrawer.NavigationListView /* All normal attributes here */ />

In your java file you can now say

NavigationListView navigationListView = (NavigationListView) findViewById(R.id.ID_OF_XML_LIST);

Note: Please make sure the images passed in are fully opaque otherwise the same effect cannot be achieved.

This list is populated with an object called NavigationItem which has 3 properties, title, image and whether it's selected or not. It has 3 constructors as follows and each item is unselected by default:

new NavigationItem(String title); // Just a piece of text
new NavigationItem(String title, int imgRes); // Image and text
new NavigationItem(String title, imgRes, boolean selected); // Image, text and ability to set selected.

To populate your list you can simply call a variety of methods:

.addNavigationItem(String title, int imgRes, boolean selected); // Adds a new item with specified properties from parameters.
.addNavigationItem(NavigationItem navigationItem); // Adds a new item with specified properties.
.setItems(String[] items); // Set the items appearing in the list.
.setImages(int[] imgsRes); // Set the images to appear in the list.

Now we have a populated list we can use other methods such as:

navigationListView.setSelectedColor(String hex); // Set hex colour as selected colour
navigationListView.setSelectedItem(int position); // Sets the current selected item to one specified in parameter.

To handle click events simply call:

navigationListView.setNavigationItemClickListener(new NavigationItemClickListener(){
    public void onNavigationItemSelected(String item, ArrayList<NavigationItem> items, int position){
        // Do your stuff when an item is selected, do not worry about changing the colour or anything as it is handled for you.

I will try and bring more features to this library but for now it should be fine, you can use this in your app for free, enjoy!