lewisrache / perfume

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(All instructions assume you have already cloned/downloaded the repository.)

Running the local program

On Windows:

  1. Double-click the run-perfume.bat file. This will open a Command Prompt window and run the local server.
  2. Open a web browser and go to localhost:8000.

On Mac/Unix:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing this code.
  3. Run ./run-mtg.sh
  4. Open a web browser and go to localhost:8000.

Using the program

There are the following pages, with the specified functions:

Note: Anything with card is so named because of the association to M:TG.

  • Collection Manager
  • View full list of existing Collections.
  • Delete Collection.
  • Input Cards
  • Create New Collection.
  • Create New Perfume, including name and descriptive text.
  • Add Cards
  • Add type (aka "Categories") to an existing Perfume.
  • Update number of said Perfume in personal inventory.
  • Cards UI
  • This is the place to filter and view your personal inventory.
  • Can delete Perfumes here.