Bogo's input plugins for common toolkits. Only Gtk+ is supported at the moment.
Make sure you have the latest Vala compiler (0.24+, won't run with 0.22) and development headers for Gtk+ 2, Gtk+ 3 and Python 3 installed.
# Edit `org.bogo.service` to point to the source directory then copy
# it to ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services. After this, the daemon will
# be automatically launched when needed.
install -D org.bogo.service ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services/org.bogo.service
# Run a Gtk+ 2 app with bogo. Candidates include: pluma, terminator,
# firefox, chromium, etc. Note that you HAVE to be clear about the
# Gtk version as loading Gtk 2's plugin in a Gtk 3 app will crash it.
make run GTK=2 CMD=pluma
# or Gtk+ 3:
make run GTK=3 CMD=gedit
Type some Vietnamese. Only TELEX is supported ATM. Check out the Testing page in the wiki for more test cases.
You'll need the dogtail
python package installed.