lexibank / abvd

CLDF dataset derived from Greenhill et al.'s "Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database" from 2020.
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gita class 1 for Kubokota and Tabar #25

Closed HedvigS closed 1 month ago

HedvigS commented 1 month ago

I'd like to suggest that Kubokota 508-185_we-2 and Tabar 129-185_we-1, which both have the form gita, should probably be in cognacy class 1 rather than 2 and 2? resp.

Some other members of 1: hita, gita, gida, 'gita, kita. Some other members of 2: gami, gia, yami

Kubokota and Tabar are both Oceanic and the reconstructed form in ABVD for proton-oceanic is *kita which is tagged as cognacy 1.

I'd be more convinced if there was a comment saying that the forms are specifically inclusive for Kubokota and Tabar, but I still think it's a good idea to review if they should both be classed as 1 rather than 2/2?.

HedvigS commented 1 month ago

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