lexibank / abvd

CLDF dataset derived from Greenhill et al.'s "Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database" from 2020.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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austronesian cldf lexibank1 vocabulary-database

CLDF dataset derived from Greenhill et al.'s "Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database" from 2020

How to cite

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This dataset is licensed under a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ license

Available online at https://abvd.shh.mpg.de/austronesian/

Conceptlists in Concepticon:

Build Status Glottolog: 99% Concepticon: 100% Source: 100%

Possible Improvements:


Name GitHub user Description Role
Simon J. Greenhill @SimonGreenhill patron, admin, data and cognate judgements Author
Robert Forkel @xrotwang patron Author
Russell D. Gray admin Author
Bob Blust data and cognate judgements Author
Malcolm Ross data and cognate judgements Author
John Lynch data and cognate judgements Author
Bethwyn Evans data and cognate judgements Author
Erin Donnelly data and cognate judgements Author
Alex François data and cognate judgements Author
Emily Gasser data and cognate judgements Author
Mary Walworth data and cognate judgements Author
Benjamin Touati data and cognate judgements Author
Laurie Reid data and cognate judgements Author
Antoinette Schapper data and cognate judgements Author
Sander Adelaar data and cognate judgements Author
Isaac Stead data and cognate judgements Author
Tiago Tresoldi @tresoldi profile Author

CLDF Datasets

The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf: