If you use these data please cite
Miller, John and List, Johann-Mattis (2023): Detecting Lexical Borrowings from Dominant Languages in Multilingual Wordlists. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Short Papers.
This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license
Available online at https://github.com/lexibank/sabor
Create virtual environment.
We use conda for managing virtual environments.
$ conda create -n testsabor python=3
$ conda activate testsabor
With the Python virtualenvwrapper, you can simply write:
$ mkvirtualenv sabor
We recommend handling data with GIT:
$ git clone https://github.com/lexibank/sabor
$ cd sabor
$ git checkout v1.0.0
Install requirements using PIP:
$ pip install -e .
Download the IDS and WOLD data using the freshly installed cldfbench
$ cldfbench download lexibank_sabor.py
Convert the data to CLDF: Make sure to initially clone Glottolog, Concepticon and CLTS in a directory or directories of your choice. You will need to point to them in your command (we assume they are located one directory upwards in your directory tree)/
$ cldfbench lexibank.makecldf lexibank_sabor.py --glottolog=../glottolog --concepticon=../concepticon-data --clts=../clts --glottolog-version=v4.7 --concepticon-version=v3.0.0 --clts-version=v2.2.0
Check for access to commands.
$ cldfbench --help
The final lines should output the following lines:
sabor.classifier Borrowings by Classifier
sabor.closest Simple Donor Search based on pairwise sequence comparison.
sabor.cognate Borrowings by donor words detected as cognates.
Given a constructor function for an analysis method, perform
sabor.evaluate Evaluate data.
sabor.splitdata Partition wordlists into k-fold train and test files for use in cross-validations.
Optionally run the sabor.splitdata
subcommand in cldfbench
create train and test datasets for cross validation.
Note: this will overwrite cross-validation datasets used in our analysis and
you will not be able to precisely duplicate paper results.
You can get help on the arguments for each command with the —help argument.
$ cldfbench sabor.splitdata --help
usage: cldfbench sabor.splitdata [-h] [--k K] [--folder FOLDER] [--test]
Partition wordlists into k-fold train and test files for use in cross-validations.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--k K Partition factor k to use for cross-validation. (default: 10)
--folder FOLDER Folder to store train-test splits for k-fold cross-validations. (default: splits)
--test Demonstrate loading of train-test datasets in sequence. (default: False)
Perform the 10-fold split as in the paper, but store into a different folder. Save the output!
$ cldfbench sabor.splitdata --k 10 --folder splits-new >> output/Split-data-10-fold.txt`
Analyze complete sabor dataset for closest match using SCA alignment method.
Add --label
argument to qualify the stored wordlist filename.
$ cldfbench sabor.closest --function sca --label "All-data"
INFO Construct closest from SaBor database.
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function closest_match_sca_global
INFO Best: threshold 0.40, F1 score 0.789
[INFO] Data has been written to file
Analyze train dataset and infer to test dataset for closest match using SCA alignment method.
$ cldfbench sabor.closest --function sca --label "Fold-00-data" --file splits/CV10-fold-00-train.tsv --testfile splits/CV10-fold-00-test.tsv
INFO Construct closest from splits/CV10-fold-00-train.tsv.
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function closest_match_sca_global
INFO Best: threshold 0.40, F1 score 0.790
[INFO] Data has been written to file </store/CM-sp-predict-closest_match_sca_global-0.40-Fold-00-data-train.tsv>.
INFO Test closest from splits/CV10-fold-00-test.tsv.
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function closest_match_sca_global
INFO Best: threshold 0.40, F1 score 0.790
INFO Test: threshold 0.40, F1 score 0.788
[INFO] Data has been written to file <store/CM-sp-predict-closest_match_sca_global-0.40-Fold-00-data-test.tsv>.
We can evaluate language recipient details and overall performance as well as write out wordlist for diagnosis of errors for just the test dataset.
$ cldfbench sabor.evaluate --file store/CM-sp-predict-closest_match_sca_global-0.40-Fold-00-data-test.tsv >> output/CM-evaluate-sca_global_fold-00-test.txt
[INFO] Data has been written to file
Analyze complete sabor dataset for closest match using edit distance method.
$ cldfbench sabor.closest --function ned --label "All-data"
INFO Construct closest from SaBor database.
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function edit_distance
INFO Best: threshold 0.65, F1 score 0.765
[INFO] Data has been written to file <store/CM-sp-predict-edit_distance-0.65-All-data-train.tsv>.
All previous options to label output, perform train and test steps, evaluate language details are still available.
With SCA distance function.
$ cldfbench sabor.cognate --method sca --label "All-data"
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function cognate_based_cognate_sca_global
INFO Best: threshold 0.46, F1 score 0.786
[INFO] Data has been written to file
With edit distance function.
$ cldfbench sabor.cognate --method ned --label "All-data"
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function cognate_based_cognate_ned
INFO Best: threshold 0.66, F1 score 0.774
[INFO] Data has been written to file
For specific train and test files.
$ cldfbench sabor.cognate --file splits/CV10-fold-00-train.tsv --testfile splits/CV10-fold-00-test.tsv --label "cognate based train-test"
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], function cognate_based_cognate_sca_global
INFO Best: threshold 0.46, F1 score 0.786
INFO Test: threshold 0.46, F1 score 0.782
2023-01-26 19:59:27,835 [INFO] Data has been written to file </sabor/store/CB-sp-predict-cognate_based_cognate_sca_global-0.46-cognate based train-test-test.tsv>.
All previous options to label output, perform train and test steps, evaluate language details are still available.
Default is both edit distance and SCA alignment methods together with 1-hot encoding of recipient language.
$ cldfbench sabor.classifier --label "All-data"
INFO Construct classifier from SaBor database.
INFO Trained with donors ['Spanish'], functions ['sca', 'ned']
INFO Train: F1 score 0.810
[INFO] Data has been written to file </store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train.tsv>.
Access to turn off 1-hot coding for language is not available from the command line.
Evaluate writes results to output as well as an evaluation wordlist to the store folder.
Here we redirect output to the output folder.
$ cldfbench sabor.evaluate --file store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train.tsv >> output/CL-evaluate-All-data-train.txt
[INFO] Data has been written to file <store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train-evaluate.tsv>.
We could of course output directly to the terminal.
$ cldfbench sabor.evaluate --file store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train.tsv
Detection results for: store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train.tsv.
Language tp tn fp fn precision recall F1 score accuracy
----------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ---------- ----------
Mapudungun 136 1044 8 54 0.944 0.716 0.814 0.950
Yaqui 242 1106 16 69 0.938 0.778 0.851 0.941
ImbaburaQuechua 232 836 20 68 0.921 0.773 0.841 0.924
Otomi 137 2033 10 61 0.932 0.692 0.794 0.968
ZinacantanTzotzil 109 1093 8 56 0.932 0.661 0.773 0.949
Wichi 100 1062 5 52 0.952 0.658 0.778 0.953
Qeqchi 99 1605 7 62 0.934 0.615 0.742 0.961
Overall 1055 8779 74 422 0.934 0.714 0.810 0.952
Overall detection results for: store/CL-sp-predict-linear_svm-All-data-train.tsv
borrowed not borrowed total
-------------- ---------- -------------- -------
identified 1055 74 1129
not identified 422 8779 9201
total 1477 8853 10330
[INFO] Data has been written to file
This evaluation file may be inspected to help diagnose what are the errors in borrowing detection.
Perform 10 fold cross-validations for closest match, cognate based and classifier systems.
Redirect output to the output folder.
Closest match:
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cm_sca >> output/CM-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using closest_match_sca_global.
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cm_ned >> output/CM-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using edit_distance.
Cognate based:
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cb_sca >> output/CB-cross-validate-10fold.txt
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cb_ned >> output/CB-cross-validate-10fold.txt
includes both edit distance and SCA methods.
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_simple >> output/CL-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using classifier_based_linear_svm_simple.
drops the 1-hot encoding of recipient language for the same analysis.
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_simple_no_props >> output/CL-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using
To use the SVM classifier with a radial basis function.
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_rbf_simple >> output/CL-extras-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using classifier_based_rbf_svm_simple.
To use a Logistic Regresson classifier.
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_lr_simple >> output/CL-extras-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using classifier_based_lr_simple.
To use a the SVM classifier with weighted training observations to balance inherited and borrowed classifications.
$ cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_simple_balanced >> output/CL-extras-cross-validate-10fold.txt
INFO 10-fold cross-validation on splits directory using classifier_based_linear_svm_simple_balanced.
Least cross-entropy:
By itself, this duplicates Pybor1 Markov chain functionality, but with dominant donor implementation and evaluation.
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method lce_for >> output/LCE-CV-10fold.txt
Classifier with least cross-entropy:
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_least >> output/CL-least-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_rbf_least >> output/CL-rbf-least-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_least_no_props >> output/CL-least-np-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_rbf_least_no_props >> output/CL-rbf-least-np-CV-10fold.txt
Classifier with least cross-entropy and simple:
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_simple_least >> output/CL-simple-least-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_rbf_simple_least >> output/CL-rbf-simple-least-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_simple_least_no_props >> output/CL-simple-least-np-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_rbf_simple_least_no_props >> output/CL-rbf-simple-least-np-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_lr_simple_least >> output/CL-lr-simple-least-CV-10fold.txt
% cldfbench sabor.crossvalidate 10 --method cl_lr_simple_least_no_props >> output/CL-lr-simple-least-np-CV-10fold.txt
Name | GitHub user | Description | Role |
John Miller | @fractaldragonflies | maintainer | Author |
Johann-Mattis List | @LinguList | maintainer | Author |
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf: