lexlapax / dockerfile-tiny-nodejs-wiki

tiny instantiation of nodejs based small-federated-wiki using buildroot linux image
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smallest federated wiki is another revolution in the making

tiny instantiation of nodejs based small-federated-wiki using buildroot linux image

Small Federated Wiki is available at https://github.com/WardCunningham/Smallest-Federated-Wiki and more specifically the nodejs version at https://github.com/fedwiki/wiki-node

building the root image from scratch

if you want to build the root image from scratch, follow the instructions in the buildimage.sh

or do the following

#checkout this repo
git clone https://github.com/lexlapax/dockerfile-tiny-nodejs-wiki
cd dockerfile-tiny-nodejs-wiki
chmod +x buildimage.sh

buildroot config

after you download the buildroot source tree, and run "make menuconfig"

make sure to choose the following:

Target options -> Target Architecture -> x86_64

Target options -> Target Architecture Variant -> generic (already selected)

Toolchain -> Enable large file (files > 2 GB) support

Toolchain -> Enable IPv6 support

Toolchain -> Enable WCHAR support

Toolchain -> Enable C++ support

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> python

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules -> python-versiontools

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> external python modules -> python-setuptools

make docker container a little usable

install sshd

Target packages -> Networking applications -> openssh

install supervisord

Target packages -> System tools -> supervisor

nodejs specific config

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> nodejs

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Module Selection ---> (under nodejs)

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Module Selection -> NPM for the target

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Module Selection -> Express web application framework

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Module Selection -> CoffeeScript

Target packages -> Interpreter languages and scripting -> Module Selection -> Additional modules -- add "mime minimatch"

post image

mkdir -p output/images/fixup/sbin output/images/fixup/etc

touch output/images/fixup/sbin/init output/images/fixup/etc/resolv.conf

cd output/images

cp rootfs.tar fixup.tar

tar rvf fixup.tar -C fixup .

and then build the docker image from the fixup tar file