lfapac-open-source-evangelist / translation

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OSPO主题的新翻译任务,欢迎大家投票和发起 - 投票认领完成,翻译进行中 #398

Open node opened 6 months ago

node commented 6 months ago

TODO Group官网的 OSPO 指南积累了非常丰富的开源相关指南 (https://todogroup.org/zh-cn/resources/guides/ ),主要来自领先企业沉淀的最佳实践;当前中文版已完成了部分,还有很多待翻译,我们选取了其中部分,列表如下:

如果你对其中某个感兴趣或有意发起翻译,请在下放回复任务编码,也可以带上对应的 emoji 表情 🆒


1、参考本SIG的新任务发起、翻译、审校流程,我们已fork上游仓库 https://github.com/lfapac-open-source-evangelist/todogroup.org ,请在此仓库提交,注意翻译后的文档应该放在: https://github.com/lfapac-open-source-evangelist/todogroup.org/tree/main/content/zh-CN/guides 2、如果你希望直接参与TODO Group的项目,也可以通过其官网仓库(https://github.com/todogroup/todogroup.org/tree/main/content/zh-CN/guides )来直接提交贡献,但我们更推荐由不同人交叉review后再提交。

UDPATE // 2024-4-12 所有任务都已认领,期待大家的翻译成果。

注意事项: 1、翻译完成后在仓库(https://github.com/lfapac-open-source-evangelist/todogroup.org)提交PR,同时可在微信群同步下,欢迎其他人来review 2、及时关注review进展和意见反馈 3、PR一旦合并,即表示翻译任务全部完成 4、待所有任务完成后,我会发起PR提交至上游 TODO Group仓库,合入后发布至TODO 官网中文版,届时大家的提交记录都有保留。


zRich commented 6 months ago

17 🧰

addozhang commented 6 months ago

8 🌱

lichenmao commented 6 months ago


okatu-loli commented 6 months ago


windsonsea commented 6 months ago

I would like to handle:

  1. 💸 Creating an Open Source Commercial Ecosystem 创建一个开源商业生态
Nliver commented 6 months ago
  1. 🆕 How to create an open source program office 如何建立开源项目办公室
JuliaZhou2022 commented 5 months ago
  1. 🎆 Organizing and Managing Open Source Events 组织和管理开源活动
JuliaZhou2022 commented 5 months ago
  1. 📏 Measuring your open source program's success 度量OSPO的成功
terizhao commented 5 months ago
  1. 🧑‍💼 Recruiting open source developers 招聘开原开发者
coolzhouly commented 5 months ago
  1. Participating in open source communities 参与开源社区
lichenmao commented 5 months ago

10.❓Open Source Program Office (OSPO) Easy FAQ OSPO 快问快答

lichenmao commented 5 months ago
  1. ♾️ Building an Inclusive Open Source Community 打造包容性的开源社区
terizhao commented 5 months ago

Building leadership in an open source community 开源社区领导力建设

lichenmao commented 5 months ago
  1. 🥇Managing Career Development within OSPOs OSPO团队的职业发展管理
arnuojo commented 5 months ago
  1. 🧑‍🎓 Open Source Program Office Case Study Guidelines OSPO案例研究指南


  1. 📗 Setting an Open Source Strategy 制定开源战略
  2. 🟥 Shutting down an open source project 关闭开源项目
hwang37 commented 4 months ago
  1. Participating in open source communities 参与开源社区


JuliaZhou2022 commented 4 months ago
  1. 🎆 Organizing and Managing Open Source Events 组织和管理开源活动

Already translated by gzchenyong, https://github.com/lfapac-open-source-evangelist/todogroup.org/pull/27. I will do the review.

node commented 2 months ago

翻译进展 Update
