lfe-deprecated / lfetool

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lfetool call to "rebar get-deps" fails occasionally #149

Closed oubiwann closed 9 years ago

oubiwann commented 9 years ago

E.g., I've had these two fail on me (seemingly at random) twice (out of a total of about 10 tries):

$ lfetool new library lib-1
$ lfetool new yaws bootstrap web-1

So far, every time it has failed for me, a second attempt succeeds.

oubiwann commented 9 years ago

Ah, this is a new issue -- no related to previous problems folks have encountered. This is easy to duplicate:

  1. set up your config:

    $ echo '(project (#(deps ("lfex/lutil"))))' > lfe.config
  2. clear out your deps:

    $ rm -rf ~/.lfe/deps/lutil/ deps/
  3. run the first time:

    $ lfetool download deps
    Cloning into /Users/oubiwann/.lfe/deps/lutil...
    remote: Counting objects: 1236, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (573/573), done.
    remote: Total 1236 (delta 701), reused 1049 (delta 577)
    Receiving objects: 100% (1236/1236), 153.40 KiB, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (701/701), done.
    lfetool »—> no dep overrides found in lfe.config
    ==> ebin (get-deps)
  4. run the second time:

    $ lfetool download deps
    lfetool »—> Cloning into deps/lutil...
    ==> lfetool (get-deps)

That second run shouldn't be necessary ...

oubiwann commented 9 years ago

During bootstrapping, the directory was getting changed, so the lfe.config file was no longer visible (since it was now a different dir that the present one.

This was easily fixed by setting the initial directory and then resetting, after bootstrapping.