lfe-deprecated / lfetool

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####### lfetool #######

.. image:: resources/images/logo-small.png

An Erlang Lisper's Tool for Admin Tasks, Project Creation, and Infrastructure


Currently, the script supports these basic options:

And these commands:

Usage information for each of these is linked to below in the "Usage" section.



Download the shell script_ and save it to a directory in your $PATH. For example:

.. code:: bash

$ curl -L -o ./lfetool https://raw.github.com/lfe/lfetool/stable/lfetool
$ bash lfetool install

This will install lfetool to /usr/local/bin. Depending upon how the permissions for your chossen path are setup, you may need to use sudo.

If you installed with sudo but would like to be able to self-update the script in the future, you should also change the ownership:

.. code:: bash

$ chown $USER /usr/local/bin/lfetool

To run lfetool more quickly, you can pre-extract the executable:

.. code:: bash

$ lfetool -x

This will be done for you eventually if you execute the lfetool repl command.

Bleeding Edge

If you'd like to be able to update with the latest changes in the master branch, you can do this instead:

.. code:: bash

$ cd ~/lab/
$ git clone https://github.com/lfe/lfetool.git
$ cd lfetool
$ ln -s ./lfetool /usr/local/bin/

Permissions are already set on the script in the repo, so there's no need to do anything further.


lfetool Options

lfetool offer several command-line options/flags. The details are presented on the "options" manual page:

lfetool Commands

Details on each of the commands listed below and the subcommands they offer are linked to individual pages:



The following branches are used by this project:

Creating lfetool Plugins

Developing additional lfetool commands

This section has been created for those that would like to submit patches/pull requests to lfetool for bug fixes and/or new features. At the very least, it should provide a means for understanding what is needed in order to add new commands to lfetool.

Adding new commands to lfetool is as simple as creating a new plugin. One can start by either copying an existing plugin that most closely resembles the sort of plugin you want to create, or starting completely from scratch.

For those that wish to start from scratch, the following dev guide is provided:

.. Links .. ----- .. _LFE rebar: hhttps://github.com/oubiwann/lfe-sample-rebar-plugin .. _lfe-skel: https://github.com/lfe/skeleton-project .. _shell script: https://raw.github.com/lfe/lfetool/master/lfetool .. _exemplar: https://github.com/lfe/exemplar .. _Twitter Bootstrap: http://getbootstrap.com/ .. _rebar: https://github.com/rebar/rebar .. _erlang.mk: https://github.com/extend/erlang.mk .. _relx: https://github.com/erlware/relx .. _Create the Plugin: doc/dev-guide/01-create.rst .. _Integrate the Plugin: doc/dev-guide/02-integrate.rst .. _Documentation and Autocompletion: doc/dev-guide/03-docs.rst .. _Testing the Plugin: doc/dev-guide/04-tests.rst .. _Install Command: doc/manual/install.rst .. _Options: doc/manual/options.rst .. _Update Command: doc/manual/update.rst .. _New Command: doc/manual/new.rst .. _Tests Command: doc/manual/tests.rst .. _REPL Command: doc/manual/repl.rst .. _Info Command: doc/manual/info.rst