lfit / github2gerrit

Github PR to Gerrit Change request
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github2gerrit action

The action extracts the commits from a GitHub pull-request and submits them to an upstream Gerrit repository. This allows GitHub developers to contribute to Gerrit-based repositories that are primarily maintained on Gerrit servers and replicated onto GitHub.


  1. GitHub replication is set up on the Gerrit repository over SSH. Refer to the Gerrit replication configuration setup guide maintained by the Linux Foundation release engineering team. This also requires creating ssh-keypair and registering the SSH keys with Gerrit.
  2. Create a user account on GitHub with permissions to submit changes to Gerrit and ensure it is added to the GitHub organization or repository as a member.
  3. Use a .gitreview file point to the Gerrit server and repository. If this not alternatively pass the GERRIT_SERVER or GERRIT_PROJECT as inputs to the workflow.

How the Action Works

The action and workflow are written with bash scripts using well known Git SCM tools, gh, jq and git-review.

  1. The action is triggered when a new pull request is created on a GitHub repository configured with the action.
  2. One of the three below options can be used depending on the workflow followed by the community.

Squash all the commits in the pull request into a single commit, with one of these two options:

Or, submit each commit as a separate single commit preserving the git history (SUBMIT_SINGLE_COMMITS).

  1. Check for a Change-Id line in the pull request commit message. If it is not present, add the Change-Id to the commit. If the Change-Id is found in any of the commits, it will be reused along with the patch.
  2. Add the Change-Id (and optionally squash changes into a single commit if required).
  3. Add a pull-request and workflow run reference link as a comment on the Gerrit change that was created for committers or reviewers to back reference to the source of change request.
  4. Add a comment to the pull request with the URL to the change. Any updates will require the pull request to be reopened and updates to the pull request must be done with a force push, which triggers the workflows to ensure the change is resubmitted.
  5. Close the pull request once the Gerrit patch is submitted successfully.


Use pull-request as a single squashed commit message

Use pull-request body and title in the commit message

Submit each commit as a separate single commit

Caveats - Future Improvements

Required Inputs

Optional Inputs

Full Example Usage with Composite Action

Use the composite action as a step in the workflow for further processing. Example workflow does not enable SUBMIT_SINGLE_COMMITS and USE_PR_AS_COMMIT

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2024 The Linux Foundation <abelur@linux.com>

name: call-github2gerrit-composite-action

# yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
        types: [opened, reopened, edited, synchronize]
            - master
            - main

            contents: read
            pull-requests: write
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v4
                  token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
            - name: "Call the lfit/github2gerrit composite action"
              id: gerrit-upload
              uses: lfit/github2gerrit@main
                  SUBMIT_SINGLE_COMMITS: "false"
                  USE_PR_AS_COMMIT: "false"
                  FETCH_DEPTH: 10
                  GERRIT_KNOWN_HOSTS: ${{ vars.GERRIT_KNOWN_HOSTS }}
                  GERRIT_SSH_PRIVKEY_G2G: ${{ secrets.GERRIT_SSH_PRIVKEY_G2G }}
                  GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G: ${{ vars.GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G }}
                  GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G_EMAIL: ${{ vars.GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G_EMAIL }}
                  ORGANIZATION: ${{ vars.ORGANIZATION }}

            - name: "Output change-number and change URL"
              shell: bash
              run: |
                  echo "Change URL: ${{ steps.change_num.outputs.GERRIT_CHANGE_REQUEST_URL }}"
                  echo "Change number: ${{ steps.change_num.outputs.GERRIT_CHANGE_REQUEST_NUMBER }}"

Full Example usage with reusable workflow

Call the reusable workflow as standalone job.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2024 The Linux Foundation <abelur@linux.com>

name: call-github2gerrit-reusable-workflow

# yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
        types: [opened, reopened, edited, synchronize]
            - master
            - main

    # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
    group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.run_id }}
    cancel-in-progress: true

            contents: read
            pull-requests: write
        uses: lfit/github2gerrit/.github/workflows/github2gerrit.yaml@main
            GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G: ${{ vars.GERRIT_SSH_USER_G2G }}
            ORGANIZATION: ${{ vars.ORGANIZATION }}
            GERRIT_SSH_PRIVKEY_G2G: ${{ secrets.GERRIT_SSH_PRIVKEY_G2G }}


We welcome contributions! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!