lgabs / dialog

Dialog is a production-ready Q&A Application with LLMs, using Langchain and LangServe.
MIT License
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This fork of Dialog is a Q&A Chatbot Application with LLMs, using Langchain and LangServe. It is LCEL first, i.e., it follows the LangChain Expression Language design. It focus specifically on the problem of deploying a Q&A application that uses RAG for answers, i.e., one or more knowledge bases to augment the LLM's context. This can be achieved using langserve to serve any langchain's chain, which can include chat history and usually uses a vector store to store embeddings from the knowledge base and retriever to search for them.

There are many ways of creating llm applications for a Q&A Chatbot, but not so trivial for beginners. The idea of this project is to present a default configuration for a production-ready chain, but allow customization in any component of the chain, including combination of chains.

Evaluation is also a very important part of LLM applications, and thereby dialog will also have support to evaluate your application easily.

Right now, this fork considers:

We don't have a full documentation yet, but you will find the basic instructions to run this project in the Get Started section below. Feel free to check the project issues, add your ideas, and also the project's kanban.

Note: ‼️ Important ‼️: this fork applies many breaking changes with the upstream original project, but which I see are beneficial for the project catch-up with langchain's framework. The main breaking changes is that we expose the application directly with langserve and delegates all processing to chains (or combination of chains). I hope that the ideas from this fork can foster constributions for the original repo 🙏. Also, this fork is not yet stable and can suffer breaking changes itself, since we're experimenting many things.

How the solution works

If you are new to RAG tecnique for LLM applications like Q&A, check langchain's documentation on that. The solution basically follows the idea that LLMs can learn knowledge in two ways:

The latter is usually more suitable to make a more reliable model for factual recall, and serves as a "short-memory", easier to recall, while the fine-tuning are like a long-term memory, difficult to recall. Check this nice OpenAI cookbook for a deeper understanding.

Tipically, the architecture is like this:

With the chain created (or combination of chains), you can easly expose them as REST APIs with Langserve, and also monitor chain calls with Langsmith (check this quickstart and see the .env.sample). Both are parts of the Langchain's framework (more details here).

Get Started

Before starting the dockerized application, you'll need a .env for environment variables; use the .env.sample as an example. It shows several variables and paths to the knowledge base and chain parameters (which are sentitive info).

As a initial example, there are examples files at /examples, which are mapped to container's /data folder by default:

After setting your .env, run

docker compose up

and you'll see two services running:

Now, chat with dialog either:

You can customize your your knowledge base and chain parameters updating your /data folder with your files and the docker-compose.yml volumes to map from ./examples/data:/data to - ./data:/data.

The src/dialog/app/server.py defines the FastAPI API, and the langchain's add_routes exposes any chain under a specified path.By default, it exposes the rag_with_history_chain, which lives in src/dialog/chains/rag_with_history. All chains should be defined in the src/dialog/chains module, and you can serve as many as you want using add_routes with other paths.

Evaluate your Chains

To learn more about evaluation of LLM applications, check this post. To evaluate your chain(s) with langsmith, you can create a dataset of input/output examples (check the /examples/evals_example.jsonl) and upload it to langsmith (or create one there directly in the UI). Then, update the dataset name in your .env, and then run make evals, which will run the default evaluation suite for correctness metric over your dataset (with the dialog image) and log the results in your datasets's experiments in langsmith UI. Since every application will have different evaluation suites, you can customize your src/evals/evals.py for that. Check more about langsmith evaluation here.


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