lgarron / folderify

:file_folder: Generate pixel-perfect macOS folder icons in the native style.
MIT License
1.43k stars 36 forks source link
big-sur dark-mode folder graphics icns icons macos monterey osx rust sonoma ventura


mask.png + folder = folderified!

Generate pixel-perfect macOS folder icons in the native style.

Using folderify? Let me know or let me know and I'd love to feature some real-world uses!


Install folderify using Homebrew:

brew install folderify

Homebrew install is recommended, and automatically installs folderify argument completions for your shell.

See below for other installation options.


Use a mask to assign an icon to a folder:

folderify mask.png /path/to/folder

Generate mask.icns and mask.iconset files:

folderify mask.png

By default, folderify uses your system's current light/dark mode. Use --color-scheme to override this:

folderify --color-scheme dark mask.png



For best results:

OS X (macOS 10)

Folder styles from OS X / macOS 10 are no longer supported by folderify as of v3:

To generate these, please use folderify v2. For example:

pip3 install folderify
python3 -m folderify --macOS 10.5 path/to/icon.png

Other installation options

If you don't have Homebrew but you already have ImageMagick (the magick binary) on your system, you can use the following:

Install using Rust

cargo install folderify

From source

Or download the code directly:

git clone https://github.com/lgarron/folderify && cd folderify

# Run directly
cargo run -- --reveal examples/src/folder_outline.png .

# Install (assuming the `cargo` bin is in your path)
cargo install --path .
folderify --reveal examples/src/folder_outline.png .

The repository folder should now have a custom icon.

for file in examples/src/*.png; do cargo run -- $file; done
open examples/src/

You should see a bunch of new .iconset folders and .icns files that were automatically generated from the .png masks.


Full options

Generate a native-style macOS folder icon from a mask file.

Usage: folderify [OPTIONS] [MASK] [TARGET]

          Mask image file. For best results:
          - Use a .png mask.
          - Use a solid black design over a transparent background.
          - Make sure the corner pixels of the mask image are transparent. They are used for empty margins.
          - Make sure the non-transparent pixels span a height of 384px, using a 16px grid.
          If the height is 384px and the width is a multiple of 128px, each 64x64 tile will exactly align with 1 pixel at the smallest folder size.

          Target file or folder. If a target is specified, the resulting icon will
          be applied to the target file/folder. Else (unless --output-icns or
          --output-iconset is specified), a .iconset folder and .icns file will be
          created in the same folder as the mask (you can use "Get Info" in Finder
          to copy the icon from the .icns file).

      --output-icns <ICNS_FILE>
          Write the `.icns` file to the given path.
          (Will be written even if a target is also specified.)

      --output-iconset <ICONSET_FOLDER>
          Write the `.iconset` folder to the given path.
          (Will be written even if a target is also specified.)

  -r, --reveal
          Reveal either the target, `.icns`, or `.iconset` (in that order of preference) in Finder

      --macOS <MACOS_VERSION>
          Version of the macOS folder icon, e.g. "14.2.1". Defaults to the version currently running

      --color-scheme <COLOR_SCHEME>
          Color scheme — auto matches the current system value

          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, light, dark]

          Don't trim margins from the mask.
          By default (i.e. without this flag), transparent margins are trimmed from all 4 sides.

          Don't show progress bars

      --badge <BADGE>
          Add a badge to the icon. Currently only supports one badge at a time

          [possible values: alias, locked]

  -v, --verbose
          Detailed output. Also sets `--no-progress`

      --completions <SHELL>
          Print completions for the given shell (instead of generating any icons).
          These can be loaded/stored permanently (e.g. when using Homebrew), but they can also be sourced directly, e.g.:

           folderify --completions fish | source # fish
           source <(folderify --completions zsh) # zsh

          [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version


Example generated from the Apple logo: Icons from apple.iconset at resolutions from 16x16 up to 512x5125@2x, shown in Quicklook on macOS