lgarron / stalwart-ascii-font

An ascii art font.
0 stars 0 forks source link

Stalwart and Stalwart Mono (ascii fonts)

Fonts with a height (ex) of 4 rows and a width (ch) of 6 columns.

Try it out at: https://garron.net/code/stalwart/


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Generate text

Requires runtime support for TypeScript, so only works with bun at the moment:

bun x stalwart-ascii-font "Hello World!"
bun x stalwart-ascii-font --mono "meow"

TypeScript API:

function generateStalwartText(text: string, options?: Options);
function printStalwartText(text: string, options?: Options);

interface Options {
  mono?: boolean;
  autoUppercase?: boolean;