lgpdevtools / sraX

Systematic resistome analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The proposed tool constitutes a Perl package, composed of functional modules, that allows performing a one-step accurate resistome analysis of assembled sequence data from FASTA files.

License: GPL v3



sraX is designed to read assembled sequence files in FASTA format and systematically detect the presence of AMR determinants and, ultimately, describe the repertoire of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) within a collection of genomes (the “resistome” analysis). The following assignments are fully automated:

The results are presented in fully navigable HTML-formatted files with embedded plots of previously mentioned analysis.

Workflow schematic:

sraX's workflow


A) Bioconda / Conda package package:

Execute the following command:

conda install srax


conda install -c lgpdevtools srax

Verify the appropriate installation by running:

sraX -v

B) Docker image:

Execute the following command:

docker pull lgpdevtools/srax

In order to check the appropriate running state of the image file:

sudo docker run -it lgpdevtools/srax -v

C) Local installation:

sraX has the following dependencies:


1. Though sraX is fully written in Perl and should work with any OS, it has only been tested with a 64-bit Linux distribution.

2. Perl version 5.26.x or higher. You can verify on your own computer by typing the following command in a bash terminal:

perl -h

The latest version of Perl can be obtained from the official website. Consult the installation guide.

NOTE: The bash script 'install_srax.sh' is provided, in order to confirm the existence of these dependencies in your computer. If any of them would be missing, the bash script will guide you for a proper installation.

To successfully install sraX, please see the details provided below. If you encounter an issue during the process, please contact your local system administrator. If you encounter a bug please log it here or email me at lgpanunzi@gmail.com

Open a bash terminal and clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/lgpdevtools/sraX.git

To verify the existence of required dependencies and ultimately install the perl modules composing sraX, inside the cloned repository run:

sudo bash install_srax.sh


sraX effectively operates as one-step application. It means that just a single command is required to obtain the totality of results and their visualization.

NOTE: For a detailed explanation and examples from real datasets, please follow the Tutorial.


  -i|input  <Mandatory: input genome directory>
  -o|output <Optional: name of output folder>
  -db|dbsearch  <Optional: the level of the ARG search, based on the employed reference AMR DBs (default: basic)>
  -s|seqal      <Optional: algorithm for aligning the query genome to the reference AMR DB (default: dblastx)>
  -a|msa    <Optional: algorithm for producing the MSA files (default: muscle)>
  -e|eval       <Optional: evalue cut-off to filter false positives (default: 1e-05)>
  -c|aln_cov    <Optional: fraction of aligned query to the reference sequence (default: 60)>
  -id       <Optional: sequence identity percentage cut-off to filter false positives (default: 85)>
  -u|user_sq    <Optional: input private AMR DB>
  -t|threads    <Optional: number of threads to use (default: 6)>
  -v|version    <print current version>
  -d|debug  <Optional: print verbose output for debugging (default: No)>
  -h|help       <print this message>

Minimal command

Example usage:

sraX -i [/path/to/input_genome_directory]


-i  Full path to the mandatory directory containing the input sequence data, which must
    be in FASTA format and consisting of individual assembled genome sequences.

Extended options

Example usage:

sraX -a mafft -db ext -s blastx -id 95 -c 90 -t 12 -o [/path/to/output_results_directory] -i [/path/to/input_genome_directory]


sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/[/path/to/input_genome_directory]:/IN lgpdevtools/srax -i IN

With further options:

sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/[/path/to/input_genome_directory]:/IN \
-v $(pwd)/[/path/to/output_results_directory]:/OUT \
lgpdevtools/srax -a mafft -db ext -s blastx -id 95 -c 90 -t 12 -i IN -o OUT



  -i|input  Input directory [/path/to/input_dir] containing the input file(s), which
        must be in FASTA format and consisting of individual assembled genome sequences.


  -o|output Directory to store obtained results [/path/to/output_dir]. While not
        provided, the following default name will be taken:


            Input directory: 'Test'
            Options: -id 85; -c 95; -p dblastx
            Output directory: 'Test_sraX_85_95_dblastx'

  -s|seqal  The preferred algorithm for aligning the assembled genome(s) to a locally
        compiled AMR DB. The possible choices are: 'dblastx' (DIAMOND blastx) or 'blastx'
        (NCBI blastx). In any case, the process is parallelized (up to 100 genome files are
        run simultaneously) for reducing computing times. [string] Default: dblastx

  -a|msa    The preferred algorithm for producing the alignment of clustered homologous
        sequences (multiple-sequence files). The possible choices are: 'muscle', 'clustalo'
        or 'mafft'. [string] Default: muscle
        Note: The accuracy and computing times are both dependent on the selected algorithm.

  -e|eval   Minimum evalue cut-off to filter false positives. [number] Default: 1e-05

  -id       Minimum identity cut-off to filter false positives. [number] Default: 85

  -c|aln_cov    Minimum length of the query which must align to the reference sequence.
        [number] Default: 60

  -db|dbsearch  The level of the ARG search, on account of the number and type of employed AMR DB.
        The possible choices are: 'basic' or 'ext' / 'extensive'. The
        'basic' option only applies 'CARD', while the 'ext' option utilizes as well the
        'ARGminer' (compilation of multiple AMR DBs) and 'BACMET'
        (biocides and metal resistance) repositories. [string] Default: basic

        Note: In operational terms, the extensive search ('ext' option) takes much longer
        computing times. 

  -u|user_sq    Customary AMR DB provided by the user. The sequences must be in FASTA format.

  -t|threads    Number of threads when running sraX. [number] Default: 6

  -h|help   Displays this help information and exits.

  -v|version    Displays version information and exits.

  -d|debug  Verbose output (for debugging).


sraX is free software, licensed under GPLv3.


Please report any issues to the issues page or email lgpanunzi@gmail.com


sraX is developed by Leonardo G. Panunzi.


Panunzi LG, sraX: a novel comprehensive resistome analysis tool, submitted to Frontiers in Microbiology for publication.


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