lhackel-tub / ConfigILM

A Library for configurable combination of pre-configured and possibly pre-trained Image and Language Models
MIT License
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FR: Change tuple to NamedTuple in `ClassificationVQADataset.py` #101

Open kai-tub opened 1 month ago

kai-tub commented 1 month ago

I would favour the use of a NamedTuple for the qa_data rather than an index-based tuple ClassificationVQADataset.py.


Although the doc-string does say how the ordering should be implemented, the information is quickly lost when implementing a subclass or while debugging the application. The following code contains "magic numbers" for example:


I would just a NamedTuple with the keys: image_key, question, answer, and extra. Where extra may either be an iterable or an object. Though an iterable would require less changes:
