R. De Maria
S. Fartoukh
M. Giovannozzi
M. Hostettler
G. Iadarola
Y. Papaphilippou
D. Pellegrini
G. Sterbini
F. Van Der Veken
cd examples/hl_lhc_collision/
python ../../unmask.py main.mask parameters_for_unmask.txt
madx main.mask.unmasked | tee out
or equivalently:
cd examples/hl_lhc_collision/
python ../../unmask.py main.mask parameters_for_unmask.txt --run | tee out
In this repository you can retrieve and contribute to improve the MADX code used to setup tracking simulations for LHC and HL-LHC.
This code is based on the work of many colleagues who shared their contributions and effort with the community for enriching this simulation framework.
We refer as mask the MADX input code that is the starting code for tracking simulation, FMA analysis,... The mask file present masked parameters that can be unmasked. Once unmasked, the mask become a regular MADX input file and can be directly run.
The proposed generic mask file has two main parts:
The separation of the configuration parameters of the mask with the MADX code aims