lhilbert / EnhancerShoeBox

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Enhancer-Promoter Interactions in a Model Shoe Box
MIT License
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Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Enhancer-Promoter Interactions in a Model Shoe Box

Description of contributions

Original code as of December 2023 developed by Dr. Roshan Prizak while working as postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Lennart Hilbert at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Further code development and documentation by Dr. Ewa Anna Oprzeska-Zingrebe as postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Lennart Hilbert. Supervision of simulation and code development as well as limited direct contributions from Lennart Hilbert while Professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

1. Installation of LAMMPS + conda environment

Homebrew (Mac OS)

Ensure you have a M1 version of brew (should be in /opt/homebrew)

If you don't have it, then run the following:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

You might also need to add brew's location to $PATH. The instructions should be displayed there.

After you make sure brew is present, if not already done before (independent of conda environment):

brew install cmake
brew install libpng
brew install ffmpeg
brew install jpeg

Conda environment

If you don't have conda, download and install the M1 version of miniconda from https://docs.conda.io/projects/miniconda/en/latest/.

Create a new environment polymersimulations (or any other name you like), and install the packages as below:

conda create -n polymersimulations 
conda activate polymersimulations
conda install -c conda-forge pandas scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn bokeh ipython voro
conda install -c conda-forge shapely

In case the Python script can't see LAMMPS or some other problem arises after finishing the next steps too, an alternative is to use the YML file polymersimulations.yml to create a conda environment called polymersimulations with versions of Python and other packages as given in the file (a little bit old).

conda env create -f polymersimulations.yml


The following instructions are based on these links (modified for installation on an Apple Silicon based machine):

  1. https://docs.lammps.org/Python_head.html
  2. https://docs.lammps.org/Python_install.html#installing-the-lammps-python-module-and-shared-library (install as a shared library inside a virtual environment)

Download LAMMPS source code from GitHub at https://github.com/lammps/lammps/releases, unzip the folder into your wanted location and cd into the LAMMPS folder.

NOTE: Not all versions of LAMMPS releases might work with M1. The version "Update 2 for Stable release 23 June 2022" (https://github.com/lammps/lammps/releases/tag/stable_23Jun2022_update2) definitely works. If you want, you can try newer versions, and if they don't work, go back to the above older version that works.

Run the following:

mkdir build-shared
cd build-shared
    -D PKG_FEP=ON \
    -D PKG_MC=ON \
    -D PKG_OPT=ON \
    -D WITH_PNG=yes \
    -D WITH_FFMPEG=yes \

The following step will take some time to run:

make install

At this point, LAMMPS should be ready to be run from inside Python in the conda environment. Run one of the shoe-box scripts to test if everything went well. If there are some issues, try the following and then run the script again.

mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d
mkdir -p ./etc/conda/deactivate.d
touch ./etc/conda/activate.d/env_vars.sh
touch ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/env_vars.sh

Put following into activate.d/env_vars.sh


Put following into deactivate.d/env_vars.sh


If it still doesn't work, make sure to create the conda environment from the YML file, and try with the older version of LAMMPS (https://github.com/lammps/lammps/releases/tag/stable_23Jun2022_update2).

2. Important parameters and other considerations

Input configuration

The script make_input_file.py can generate input configuration files that are consistent with LAMMPS and have the geometry of a shoebox.

You can use this script to generate input configuration files for a range of parameters. Set is_actin_simulation to True if generating input files for an actin simulation, and to False otherwise.

You can change various aspects of the shoebox simulation in this script - length of each of the fixed polymers, length of the regulatory region, length of the gene etc. The parameters to change are declared in the last section of the script:

Note the following numbers of different components for various box sizes.

Box size # chromatin monomers # actin # Ser5P # RBP left anchors right anchors
9 300 240 300 450 1, 100 101, 300
10 336 270 336 500 1, 112 113, 336
11 370 300 370 550 1, 123 124, 370
12 400 300 400 600 1, 133 134, 400
13 433 325 433 650 1, 144 145, 433
15 500 400 500 750 1, 166 167, 500
18 600 500 600 900 1, 200 201, 600
21 700 560 700 1050 1, 233 234, 700
24 800 650 800 1200 1, 266 267, 800

Alternatively, the script make_input_file_flags.py allows to declare the desired values of promoter lengths, box sizes and actin presence directly in the command line, without the need to modify the script itself. Use:

python3 make_input_file_flags.py -p <list of promoter lengths> -b <list of box sizes> -a <is actin simulation? 1 or 0>

For example,

python3 make_input_file_flags.py -p 1,2 -b 10,11 -a 0

creates input files for the systems defined by promoter lengths 1 and 2, bix sizes 10 and 11 and without actin (-a 0). If no flags are declared, the script generates input files for default configurations of promoter lengths 1,2 and 3, box sizes 10, 11 and 12, and without actin.

The command

python3 make_input_file_flags.py -h


python3 make_input_file_flags.py --help

print help information about the use of the script.

The input files generated bo both scripts are stored in the newly created folder /input_files.


One can define and set up the various "soft LJ potentials" in a file called LJsoft_RSQ.table using the script setup_ljsoft_potentials.py. The main idea behind these soft LJ potentials is to have a softer core for the potentials and forces. When two atoms start to overlap, hardcore repulsion kicks in and pushes them apart. These are set up using the usual Lennard-Jones potentials. However, if the atoms are very close (much closer than hardcore repulsion distances), the forces with the soft LJ potentials don't explode like they would with the usual LJ potentials. This is especially crucial for us because we have "chemical reactions" which deal with changing bonds and atom types, and this can potentially result in large blow-up of forces, making the simulation very unstable.

Parameters that can be customized by the user inside the script:

LJsoft_RSQ.table defines the following parameters for certain types of interactions (eg. chromatin-chromatin, actin-actin, chromatin-regulatory element etc.):



Some actin simulations are unstable

With the current setup, actin simulations (when actin can polymerize) are sometimes unstable. Usual errors are atoms escaping the box boundary and bonds becoming very unstable. I haven't figured out the exact source of these errors. As of September 2023, the parallelized code automatically handles these "failed" simulation runs, and restarts them.

Other parameters

Simulation phases

Each simulation run consists of an initial "Soft" to help the system relax from the initial configuration, followed by a long "Control" phase which makes up the main simulation run. If the simulation is a treament, then the treament occurs at the end of the Control phase, and the next and last phase is the "Treatment" phase.

Simulation length

Each simulation run consists of NRuns + treatment_duration "Python timesteps". NRuns is usually 2000 (and comprises the Soft and Control phases) and treatment_duration depends on the treament chosen (and comprises the Treament phase). Each Python timestep consists of tRun = 200 LAMMPS timesteps, with dt = 0.005 being the duration of a LAMMPS timestep.

Gene activation

After an initial period (t_activation_on), the inactive gene becomes an induced gene. From that point on, at regular intervals (decided by p_gene_activation, the rate of activation), we count the number of Ser5P around the promoter of the gene (in a radius of pol2release_radius), and if it exceeds ser5p_to_activate, change the gene to an active gene.

Actin polymerization

After an initial period (t_polymerization_on), two actin monomers within a distance of monomerEffectRadius can spontaneously nucleate to form an actin filament with a probability of p_nucleation. Similarly, actin polymerization can occur at the end of an actin filament (faster on the plus end and slower on the minus end) if a monomer is in the vicinity (within a distance of filEndEffectRadius). Also, at a certain rate, depolymerization can occur at the end of an actin filament.


RNAs in cells are associated with RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) to form ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes.

After exploring a lot of different frameworks for RBP-RNP ratios and conversions, we finally settled on starting the simulation with only RBP, and slowly ramping up RNP (while decreasing RBP) over the entire simulation run to 90% RNP and 10% RBP as the final value. This is implemented independent of gene activations, and is assumed to represent transcription elsewhere (outside the shoebox) over time.


To implement any inhibitors or treatments, in the script run_single_shoebox.py, change the variable treatment_duration depending on the condition, and at the end of NRuns Python timesteps (the Control duration), depending on the treament, change different sets of parameters specifying interactions or other processes.

3. Running the simulations without actin

The simulations should be run in conda environment. Activate environment "polymersimulations":

conda activate polymersimulations

To deactivate the environment, type:

conda deactivate

Running a single simulation

The script run_single_shoebox.py contains the base code one can use to run a single simulation repeat of a shoe-box simulation.

An example to run an actin simulation is:

python run_single_shoebox.py -b 11 -r 1 -t 10 -o actin/ -m 1 -c Control -p 3 -a 30 -x 80 -z 300

An example to run a gene-cluster simulation without actin is:

python run_single_shoebox.py -b 11 -r 1 -t 10 -o gene_cluster/ -m 1 -c Control -p 3 -a 30 -x 80 -z 0 -n 0.01

The difference between the two simulations is crucially, (a) the output folder name, (b) the value passed with argument z (no. of free actin), and (c) the argument "n", representing the probability of nucleation. The output folder name can be anything if your choice, and z should be 0 for gene_cluster without actin and >0 for an actin simulation.

Apart from the arguments mentioned next, there are other parameters you can change in the script itself. It's fairly well-documented as of September 2023 but if you have any questions, contact Roshan (roshanprizak@gmail.com).

Arguments to pass

The argument z (no. of free actin) should be 0 for a gene-cluster visit simulation without actin, and >0 for an actin simulation.

Location of data

The generated data is stored in the output folder declared by the -o argument (eg. ~/gene_cluster in the example above). The output folder contains the following subfolders:


4. Parallel runs

The script run_parallel_shoebox.sh contains the base code one can use to run many repeats of run_single_shoebox.py in parallel.

The following code would run 100 repeats of a shoebox simulation in a box of length 11 in the "Control" condition:

./run_parallel_shoebox.sh 1 100 11 Control

There are many variables one needs to set in the script itself. A few important ones are:

The argument ACTIN (no. of free actin) should be 0 for a gene-cluster visit simulation without actin, and >0 for an actin simulation.

Arguments to pass

In the order to be passed (./run_parallel_shoebox.sh 1 100 11 Control),

Outputs from the simulation

Outputs from a run are stored in corresponding folder such as run1, run2 etc. inside the specified output folder (box<size>, eg. \box11). Some other outputs are stored in single files directly in the specified output folder. The subfolders for each run store data for various parameters that can give rise to the contact map.

Synthetic microscopy images

Synthetic microscopy images are stored in the folder microscopy_files inside the run's folder.


Some output plots like the gene track (ser5P around promoter and cluster-promoter distance), RNP vs time, Ser5P distribution along the length of the box are stored in the folder figures inside the run's folder.

Making a gene track figure

While a gene track figure is already made by run_single_shoebox.py and saved in the figures folder, the scripts plotTracks.py and plotInhibitorTrack.py (both older versions currently; plotInhibitorTrack.py only valid for simulations with transcription inhibitors) can be easily adapted to prepare figures for the new data.

Run 'plotTracks.py' in the folder where the "geneTrack.txt" file is located, or declare the path to "geneTrack.txt" directly in the script. The generated output files are:

[DESCRIPTION OF gene_track_inset.pdf NEEDED] [RED VERTICAL LINES IN gene_track.pdf MEANING ?]

5. Contact maps and gene design plots

In order to make these plots, first run dist_genestages_grouped.py (may need to adapt the code slightly) to make a summary file, called summary_contact_grouped.txt, for the given boxes and conditions. This groups each consecutive sets of several repeats each and computes averages for each set. Then, use the Jupyter notebook contact_maps.ipynb to make the contact maps, gene design plots and other related figures.

If not in Jupyter environment, you can run 'contact_maps.py' Python script to generate contact maps. The default parameter space declared in the script (can be modified) include:

The script creates in the current directory the folder 'contact_maps', which contains the following files:

[byRegion_new.pdf DESCRIPTION OF X-AXIS NEEDED] [heatmap_pr_figure.pdf CONTAINS ONLY RAW DATA - IS IT NEEDED?]

Different classes of transcription control:

NV-in : non-visiting, inactive NV-ac: non-visiting, active V-in: visiting, inactive V-ac: visiting, active

If the file 'summary_contact_grouped.txt' is not located in the current working directory, run 'contact_maps_flags.py' to define path to the input file:

python3 contact_maps_flags.py -f /path/to/file/summary_contact_grouped.txt

Options '-h' or '--help' displays "help" message.

6. Making video from snapshots

Snapshots are stored in the folder image_files inside the run's folder.

The package ffmpeg (install with brew install ffmpeg for Mac OS) can be used to make a video from the snapshots.

To make a video from the png files from the image_files folder with a framerate of 30 fps, the following code would work. Before, make sure that tImageDump in run_single_shoebox.py is set to a low enough value (like 33) for a smooth video.

ffmpeg -r 30 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i "~/image_files/*?png" -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p video.mp4

To cut a section out (first two and half minutes) from this video, the following code would work.

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss -00:00:03 -to 00:02:30 -c:v copy -c:a copy video_initial.mp4

ss is the start time of the section and to is the end time of the section. When you want the initial bits, it is better to give a negative value for ss.

To play the video:

ffplay output.mp4