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Source code for the paper "Three for one and one for three: Flow, Segmentation, and Surface Normals" (BMVC 2018)
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Source code for the paper "Three for one and one for three: Flow, Segmentation, and Surface Normals" (BMVC 2018)

If you find the repository useful, please consider citing the paper

 author = {Hoang-An Le and Anil Baslamisli and Thomas Mensink and Theo Gevers},
 title = {Three for one and one for three: Flow, Segmentation, and Surface Normals},
 booktitle = {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
 year = {2018},


Parts of the Virtual KITTI dataset are included in this repository for your convenience. If used, please cite the corresponding paper following the instructions at NAVER LABS EUROPE

Ground truth surface normals are converted from the provided depth images using the method given by Barron and Malik, Shape, Illumination, and Reflectance from Shading. The source code is available in the project page or [here](). Please cite the according paper if you use the codes in your research.


Build caffe

Naming convention

Each run is named in the following format




Re-producing the paper results

You can either call caffe train command directly using the prototxts in the runs directory or use our python wrapper

Training on new datasets
