liampshaw / mobile-gene-regions

Analysing the genomic context of mobile genes
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Visualizing and quantifying structural diversity around mobile AMR genes

Liam P. Shaw

This repository contains a pipeline to analyse the flanking regions of genes using pangraph.

It was developed for the analysis of mobile AMR genes, but in principle can be used for any input gene.

For more details, see the paper:

Visualizing and quantifying structural diversity around mobile AMR genes
Liam P. Shaw and Richard A. Neher, biorxiv (2023)
doi: 10.1101/2023.08.07.551646


The pipeline requires pangraph to be installed first. Currently it uses the feat/unbalanced-tree branch which can be installed with:

git clone -b feat/unbalanced-tree && cd pangraph

Then follow the installation instructions from the pangraph github as normal. Note that because pangraph was written in a specific version of Julia, you'll currently need to install Julia v1.7.2 which you can download here.

Then you will need to clone this repository:

git clone

Other dependencies can be installed with conda or mamba (recommended: mamba). From inside this directory (cd mobile-gene-regions):

mamba env create -f flanking-regions.yaml 
conda activate flanking-regions

There are also R packages required for some plots. (If you don't have R, you can download it here.) These R packages can be installed with a helper script in this repository:

# cd mobile-gene-regions
Rscript scripts/install_libraries.R

If you have followed all of these steps, you should have the pipeline installed and ready to run.


You can test whether it's working with data in the test_data directory (33 sequences containing GES-1 variants), running the following command from within the cloned repository:

python \
    --contigs test_data/GES-1_contigs.fa \
    --gene_fasta test_data/GES-1.fa \ 
    --output test_data_output \
    --gff test_data/GES-1_annotations.gff \
    --focal_gene_name GES-1 

If this runs well, you should be able to inspect the plots in test_data_output/plots. If it doesn't, the installation may not have worked.


Basic usage (run from within this directory):

python \
        --contigs contig_fasta.fa \
        --gene_fasta focal_gene.fa \
        --focal_gene_name gene_name \
        --output_dir output

The underlying pipeline has flexible parameters such as the size of the flanking region, the number of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) allowed in the focal gene, and pangraph parameters:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --contigs CONTIGS     fasta with contigs containing central/focal gene
  --gene_fasta GENE_FASTA
                        fasta with nucleotide sequence of focal gene
  --focal_gene_name FOCAL_GENE_NAME
                        name of focal gene (NOTE: if using gffs, must match name of protein
                        product e.g. IMP-4 not blaIMP-4)
# Optional parameters
  --flanking_region FLANKING_REGION
                        size of flanking region (N.B. currently symmetrical
                        upstream/downstream). Default: 5000
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory. Default: output
  --force               whether to overwrite existing input files. Default: False
  --gff GFF             file with gff annotations for contigs. Default: none
  --panx_export         whether to export panX output from pangraph. Default: False
  --bandage             whether to run Bandage on pangraph. Default: False
  --snv_threshold SNV_THRESHOLD
                        Nucleotide-level difference threshold for focal gene (1 SNV = 1
                        diff, Xbp indel = X diffs). Default: 25
  --gene_length_threshold GENE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD
                        Lateral coverage required of focal gene (0-1). Default: 0.99
  --pangraph_polish     whether to polish the pangraph. Default: False
  --pangraph_aligner {minimap2,mmseqs}
                        aligner to use for building pangraph. Default: minimap2
  --pangraph_seed PANGRAPH_SEED
                        random seed for pangraph (for reproducibility). Default: 0
  --pangraph_alpha PANGRAPH_ALPHA
                        value of alpha parameter for pangraph. Default: 100
  --pangraph_beta PANGRAPH_BETA
                        value of beta parameter for pangraph. Default: 10
  --pangraph_dist_backend {native,mash}
                        distance backend for calculation of pangraph. Default: native
  --pangraph_minblocklength PANGRAPH_MINBLOCKLENGTH
                        minimum block length for pangraph. Default: 100
  --pangraph_edgeminlength PANGRAPH_EDGEMINLENGTH
                        minimum edge length for pangraph when exporting gfa. Default: 0
                        whether to also calculate breakpoint distances using minimap2.
                        Default: False                 is just a helper script that creates a config file and calls the pipeline for a single gene. However, the pipeline is written in snakemake, so as to potentially enable analysis of multiple genes in a single command once the input files have been formatted correctly and put in the input directory.

Outputs for a given gene are saved in {output_dir}/{focal_gene_name}. They include output data files as well as interactive html plots (generated with altair in Python). N.B. In the manuscript we talk about 'uninterrupted shared distance' - this is referred to as 'breakpoint distance' in the code and documentation, but it is the same quantity.

A tutorial on how to prepare data and use the pipeline to explore flanking regions is available in tutorial/

Beta-lactamases example

The analysis presented in the paper for twelve beta-lactamases uses the version of the pipeline in beta-lactamases. The plots generated can be seen at