liangjiandeng / TDNet

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A Triple-Double Convolutional Neural Network for Panchromatic Sharpening.

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author = {Tian-Jing Zhang, Liang-Jian Deng, Ting-Zhu Huang, Jocelyn Chanussot, and Gemine Vivone},
title = {A Triple-Double Convolutional Neural Network for Panchromatic Sharpening},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},
volume = {},
pages = {},
year = {2022},
issn = {1566-2535},
doi = {10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3155655}

Dependencies and Installation

Dataset Preparation

The datasets used in this paper is WorldView-3 (can be downloaded here), QuickBird (can be downloaded here) and GaoFen-2 (can be downloaded here). Due to the copyright of dataset, we can not upload the datasets, you may download the data and simulate them according to the paper.

Get Started

Training and testing codes are in the current folder.


Motivation: Existing CNN-based techniques do not fully explore and utilize the multi-scale information in the PAN and MS images losing some possible information in the process of enhancing the LRMS image. This inspires us to focus on the information injection in hierarchical and bidirectional ways, which is the original intention of the triple-double structure.

Proposed MRA block: (a) Diagram of traditional MRA methods. (b) MRAB was designed based on traditional MRA methods. Note that the upsampling operation in (a) is a polynomial kernel with 23 coeffificients. 8-bands datasets are considered to defifine the number of convolution kernels in (b).

Overall Framework: Flowchart of the proposed TDNet consisting in two branches, i.e., PAN branch and fusion branch.

Loss Fuction: We propose a novel deep neural network architecture with level-domain-based loss function for pansharpening by taking into account the following double-type structures:

Specififically, Loss1 and Loss2 are defifined as follows:

Visual Results: Visual comparisons of all the compared approaches on the reduced resolution Rio dataset (sensor: WorldView-3).

Quantitative Results: The following quantitative results is generated from WorldView-3 datasets with 1258 examples.


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