liaopeiyuan / large-scale-hts-reconciliation

Large-Scale Hierarchical Time-Series Reconciliation
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Large-Scale Hierarchical Time-Series Reconciliation


  1. Install Eigen 3 for OpenMP / LAPACK-like support on matrix operations
    • use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= to install locally
    • export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:{YOUR_PATH_TO_EIGEN3}" to make sure CMake functions properly
  2. Clone this repository with pybind11 submodule
  3. Install requirements in requirements.txt
    • Remark our own fork of pytest-mpi that is capable of producing the stdout of a single process while suppressing others.
  4. python -m pip install large_scale_hts_reconciliation/ to install the pip package with CMake

Reproducing Benchmarking Results

  1. Allocate two GCP e2-highcpu-16 instances with 1 vCPU per core, 8 cores and Intel Broadwell x86/64 platform/architecture. One instance is in us-central1-a and the other is in us-east1-b1.
  2. Install OpenMPI 4.1.4 and set up hosts file properly (see passwordless SSH)
  3. For single-node results, run mpirun -n 8 --bind-to socket python3 -m pytest --with-mpi $HOME/large-scale-hts-reconciliation/large_scale_hts_reconciliation/tests/ --unmute-ranks=0 and mpirun -n 1 --bind-to socket python3 -m pytest tests/ for multi-process benchmarks ( and single-process benchmarks (
  4. For multi-node results, run mpirun --hostfile hosts -n 8 --bind-to socket python3 -m pytest --with-mpi $HOME/large-scale-hts-reconciliation/large_scale_hts_reconciliation/tests/ --unmute-ranks=0
  5. For OLS/WLS results, run mpirun -n 1 --bind-to socket python3 -m pytest tests/ They are quite slow.

LHTS Benchmarks

All benchmarks are available on this GCS bucket: gs://lhts