liaoyuhua / tempo-pytorch

Reproduction of the paper "TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting"
MIT License
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# TEMPO-PyTorch This is reproduction code for the paper "TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting"


dataset multivariate seq_len pred_len lr layers patch_size/stride mae
ETTH1 False 384 96 1e-3 6 16/8


ETTh1, ETTh2, ETTm1, ETTm2 are put in the folder "data". PyTorch dataset classes have been implemented, you can check them in src/

Model weights

They would be put in the folder "gpt2" automatically or you can download files from the link:, and put them in folder "gpt2".