liavt / Scheduler

Scheduler for school.
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

This fork is no longer maintained due to ownership being transferred. The repo will continue to exist for historical reasons, but you can check out the newest version here.


Scheduler for school. Demo


Yep, the school now runs this for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (9th hopefully in the future)

Can I fix it

Sure. Make a pull request. Make sure it works perfectly, as remember the school uses this. It must be reliable (a quality I wouldn't describe it's history as) Master branch should always be ready to be pushed to live. If you want to test something, create a new branch+pull request

How do I use it

You can use the API endpoint:

It accepts GET and POST requests. You will need to send a couple of parameters:

Parameter Content
code Google Identity token
grade Grade level to search for. Valid values are 10, 11, and 12.
day Which day to get the schedule for. Day of the month. If not specified, the current day is used
request What type of request you are doing.

It will then return some JSON with all of the Schedule data. If you want JSONP to get around CORS, you can specify a callback parameter and a function name. It will then return JSONP instead.

There are different types of requests you can make which changes what data it is returning.

Request Type Response
schedule Returns the person's schedule
info Returns only the person's info
mod-select Submits a list of mods that the user selected to pick and returns their new schedule
iotd Returns the Bing Image of the Day