libbyschuknight / libs_seido_guide

My Seido Karate Guide to help me learn for my next few gradings
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Libs Seido Karate Guide

For my next few gradings in Seido Karate I have to learn a lot.

This is my attempt at learning everything I need to, while making a rails app.

I train at Seido Karate Wellington.


Pushes to production continually deploy to Heroku.

Run migrations: heroku run rake db:migrate

Get into console heroku run rails console

Delete all records e.g Stance.destroy_all

Run seed task: heroku run rake db:seed

This app is using: rake db:seed:dump To dump all data to seed file

Getting Started with Rails 4.x on Heroku Heroku Command Line

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover: