libdns / digitalocean

MIT License
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DigitalOcean for libdns

godoc reference

This package implements the libdns interfaces for the DigitalOcean API (using the Go implementation from:


To authenticate you need to supply a DigitalOcean API token.


Here's a minimal example of how to get all your DNS records using this libdns provider (see _example/main.go)

package main

import (


func main() {
    token := os.Getenv("DO_AUTH_TOKEN")
    if token == "" {
        fmt.Printf("DO_AUTH_TOKEN not set\n")
    zone := os.Getenv("ZONE")
    if zone == "" {
        fmt.Printf("ZONE not set\n")
    provider := digitalocean.Provider{APIToken: token}

    records, err := provider.GetRecords(context.TODO(), zone)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error())

    testName := "libdns-test"
    testId := ""
    for _, record := range records {
        fmt.Printf("%s (.%s): %s, %s\n", record.Name, zone, record.Value, record.Type)
        if record.Name == testName {
            testId = record.ID


    if testId != "" {
        // fmt.Printf("Delete entry for %s (id:%s)\n", testName, testId)
        // _, err = provider.DeleteRecords(context.TODO(), zone, []libdns.Record{libdns.Record{
        //  ID: testId,
        // }})
        // if err != nil {
        //  fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error())
        // }
        // Set only works if we have a record.ID
        fmt.Printf("Replacing entry for %s\n", testName)
        _, err = provider.SetRecords(context.TODO(), zone, []libdns.Record{libdns.Record{
            Type:  "TXT",
            Name:  testName,
            Value: fmt.Sprintf("Replacement test entry created by libdns %s", time.Now()),
            TTL:   time.Duration(30) * time.Second,
            ID:    testId,
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error())
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Creating new entry for %s\n", testName)
        _, err = provider.AppendRecords(context.TODO(), zone, []libdns.Record{libdns.Record{
            Type:  "TXT",
            Name:  testName,
            Value: fmt.Sprintf("This is a test entry created by libdns %s", time.Now()),
            TTL:   time.Duration(30) * time.Second,
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error())