liberation / django-digitalpaper

A complete Newspaper viewer in Javascript, canvas, and CSS.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
21 stars 4 forks source link

Django Digitalpaper is a newspaper viewer in Django, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5.

It needs better documentation to explain how it works, what you need to get it to run, etc. The few things you should know:

The toplevel directory of the repository contains an example_project which implements the basic views you need to use the app. There is a preloaded sqlite db (*) in it containing basic data, as well as some medias, but you can also use your own if you want.

(*) Should you want to log in, use demo/demo or change that user using a shell.

If you want to use the python code in (or the example_project, which depends on it), you'll need to install the python requirements by doing pip install -r requirements.txt and have the following binaries in your PATH: