liberty-x / twitter

We decided to make twitter EVEN better
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Twitter (or LX Twit)

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Liberty-X, a project team in the 6th iteration of the Founders & Coders academy. Members: Justen Barget, Rachel Black, Huw Davies and Ruth Uwemedimo.


LX Twit will be a simple twitter-esque page to post 'tweets' on. We are hosting this on Heroku. We are conducting this project during our 4th week of the course.


We are experimenting with the use of Redis as our backend database. Our users' 'tweets' will be stored there and displayed on our page.

Our opening whiteboard plan! (with wireframe)

whiteboard plan


Users input their username and tweet in a form box that will then appear below. Through using local storage, they and only they will be able to delete their own tweets.


Dev Dependencies


Link here to our frontend tests, conducted with QUnit.

For backend testing, please download our repo and run our backend.js file, having used the command npm install to download our dependencies shown above.