libp2p / js-libp2p-amino-dht-bootstrapper

A CLI for starting an Amino DHT bootstrapper
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Run an Amino DHT boostrapper with js-libp2p

Table of contents

Bootstrap details

EPIC tracking issue:

Find more info at

Rust bootstrapper:

Requirements of a bootstrap node

Start the bootstrapper

$ npx @libp2p/amino-dht-bootstrapper amino
      --config <CONFIG>              Path to IPFS config file (required)
      --metrics-path <METRICS_PATH>  Metric endpoint path [default: /metrics]
      --enable-kademlia              Whether to run the libp2p Kademlia protocol and join the IPFS DHT
      --enable-autonat               Whether to run the libp2p Autonat protocol
  -h, --help                         Print help

Configuring bootstrapper options

  "config": {
    "description": "Path to IPFS config file",
    "type": "string"
  "enableKademlia": {
    "description": "Whether to run the libp2p Kademlia protocol and join the IPFS DHT",
    "type": "boolean"
  "enableAutonat": {
    "description": "Whether to run the libp2p Autonat protocol",
    "type": "boolean"
  "metricsPath": {
    "description": "Metric endpoint path",
    "default": "/metrics",
    "type": "string"
  "metricsPort": {
    "description": "Port to serve metrics",
    "default": "8888",
    "type": "string"
  "help": {
    "description": "Show help text",
    "type": "boolean"

Building the Docker Image

Building should be straightforward from the root of the repository:

$ docker build . --tag amino

Running the docker image (once built):

$ docker run -v ./bootstrapper-config.json:/config.json -it amino --config /config.json

To pass args:

$ docker run -v ./bootstrapper-config.json:/config.json -it amino --config /config.json [--enable-kademlia] [--enable-autonat]

To expose the metrics port:

$ docker run -v ./bootstrapper-config.json:/config.json -p 8888:8888 -it amino --config /config.json


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