librasteve / raku-Physics-Constants

some physical constants expressed as measures with value and units
Artistic License 2.0
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License: Artistic-2.0 raku-physics-constants -> DH

Bridging physical constants into Physics::Measure objects


#!/usr/bin/env raku
use Physics::Constants;  #<== must use before Physics::Measure
use Physics::Measure :ALL;

say ~kg-amu;                        #6.02214076e+26 mol^-1  (avogadro number = Na)
say ~plancks-h;                     #6.626070015e-34 J.s
say ~faraday-constant;              #96485.33212 C/mol
say ~fine-structure-constant;       #0.0072973525693   (dimensionless)
say ~μ0;                            #1.25663706212e-06 H/m
say ~ℏ;                             #1.054571817e-34 J.s

my \λ = 2.5nm;
say "Wavelength of photon (λ) is " ~λ;

my \ν = c / λ;
say "Frequency of photon (ν) is " ~ν.in('petahertz');

my \Ep = ℎ * ν;
say "Energy of photon (Ep) is "'attojoules');

Wavelength of photon (λ) is 2.5nm
Frequency of photon (ν) is 119.92PHz
Energy of photon (Ep) is 79.46aJ

This module is a wrapper on JJ Merelo Math::Constants
#say '----------------';
#say @physics-constants;
#say '----------------';
#say @physics-constants-names.sort;
#say '----------------';
#say @physics-constants-symbols.sort;

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