libretro / uae4arm-libretro

Port of uae4arm for libretro (rpi/android)
6 stars 9 forks source link


Based on old uae4arm version.


RetroPad button Action
B Fire button 1 / Red
A Fire button 2 / Blue
L2 Left mouse button
R2 Right mouse button
L Switch to previous disk
R Switch to next disk
Select Toggle virtual keyboard
Start Toggle mouse emulation

Right analog stick controls the mouse.

In mouse emulation mode dpad and fire button controls the mouse.

Two joysticks support. Switch automatically between mouse or second joystick when a mouse or 2nd joystick button is pressed.

L & R button can change DF0: current disk for multiple disk roms. Each disk should be named with "(Disk x of y)"

Automatic support of WHDload slave in .lha file.

Kickstarts supported in options configuration:

System Version Filename Size MD5
A500 KS v1.3 rev 34.005 kick34005.A500 262 144 82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d
A600 KS v3.1 rev 40.063 kick40063.A600 524 288 e40a5dfb3d017ba8779faba30cbd1c8e
A1200 KS v3.1 rev 40.068 kick40068.A1200 524 288 646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee

If kickstart is not present, AROS kickstart replacement will be used.