It is a software takes use of existing shotgun NGS datasets to detect HGT breakpoints, identify the transferred genome segments, and reconstructs the inserted local strain.
Download and install LEMON
git clone --recursive
cd getAccBkp
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/your_home_path/lib/htslib-1.9
usage: python LEMON/Scripts/ [options]
-r FILE Metagenomic Reference
-u FILE unique reads bam file
-o FILE raw breakpoints file
-t INT number of threads [4]
usage: LEMON/getAccBkp/get_acc_bkp [options]
-r FILE Metagenomic Reference
-u FILE unique reads bam file
-s FILE split reads bam file
-b FILE raw breakpoints file
-o FILE accurate reakpoints file
-t INT number of threads
usage: python LEMON/Scripts/ [options]
-r FILE Metagenomic Reference
-c FILE coverage file
-s STR Sample name or id
-a FILE accurate reakpoints file
-o STR path to the directory where results should be stored
usage: python LEMON/Scripts/ [options]
-r FILE Metagenomic Reference
-c FILE coverage file
-s STR Sample name or id
-a FILE accurate reakpoints file
-o STR path to the directory where results should be stored
# Align the data
bwa mem -M -t 8 -R "@RG\tID:id\tSM:sample\tLB:lib" Metagenomic_reference.fasta sample.1.fq sample.2.fq \
| samtools view -bhS -> sample.unsort.bam
# Sort bam file
samtools sort -o sample.bam sample.unsort.bam
# Extract split reads
samtools view -h sample.bam \
| lumpy-sv/scripts/extractSplitReads_BwaMem -i stdin \
| samtools view -Sb > sample.unsort.splitters.bam
# Sort split reads bam file
samtools sort -o sample.splitters.bam sample.unsort.splitters.bam
# Extract unique reads bam file
samtools view -q 20 -b sample.bam > sample.unique.bam
# Calculate coverage
bedtools genomecov -ibam sample.bam -bg > sample.coverage.txt
# 1. Detect raw HGT breakpoints.
python LEMON/Scripts/ -r meta_ref.fasta -u sample.unique.bam -o sample.raw.txt
# 2. Detect accurate HGT breakpoints.
LEMON/getAccBkp/get_acc_bkp -r meta_ref.fasta -u sample.unique.bam -s sample.splitters.bam -t 10 -b sample.raw.txt -o sample.acc.txt
# 3. Reconstruct HGT strains for restoring replication timing profile.
python LEMON/Scripts/ -c sample.coverage.txt -r meta_ref.fasta -s sample -a sample.acc.bkp.txt
# 4. Reconstruct HGT strains for restoring replication timing profile.
python LEMON/Scripts/ -c sample.coverage.txt -r meta_ref.fasta -s sample -a sample.acc.bkp.txt