lichenglu / MVivo

An open sourced NVivo built with Typescript
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
9 stars 1 forks source link

Table of Content



If you have heard of qualitative research, then you are likely to have heard of an application called NVivo. NVivo is a great application that makes qualitative researchers' life so much easier. However, the pricing of NVivo is high and most of the time, people using NVivo mainly use NVivo's qualitative coding feature. So, this repo intends to offer the qualitative coding feature that could meet most researchers' needs.


  1. Offline first. Open the web app for the first time, and you should be able to use it without any internet.
  2. Select to code. Designed for qualitative research in mind.
  3. Easy and powerful codebook management (drag and drop to reorder, merge codes to themes) - Planned
  4. Audio trancribing powered by Google's speech recognition - Planned
  5. Audio and video coding - Planned
  6. Output formatted code book, APA format.

Hot Keys

Hot keys Description
cmd + e (mac), ctrl + e (windows/linux) Create a Buffered text that can be coded
escape Clear ALL Buffered texts
cmd + z (mac), ctrl + z (windows/linux) Undo
cmd + shift + z (mac), ctrl + shift + z (windows/linux) Redo. Note: currently deleted codes can be restored from the document, but not from the storage

Version 0.2 Roadmap

You can see version 0.2's roadmap here


Currently, it is quite straightforward, as I have not introduced the backend part to the repo.

npm i
npm start


Pull requests are welcomed, though you might not know what you can do currently. But please contact me at if you know NVivo, and would like to have a free version of it.