lichtkind / Chart

a series of charting modules
5 stars 4 forks source link


Chart - swiss army knife for visualising series of numbers



Chart on CPAN

This is the landing page for the user documentation.
There is also a download link on the left side under "Tools".


The git repository contains much more than the software package itself.
If you check out sources here, you have to build the package yourself.
In order to do that you need perl and the module Dist::Zilla.

cpan install Dist::Zilla   
cpanm Dist::Zilla

Then you have to check which further the Dist::Zilla plugins you miss:

dzil authordeps

and pipe them into your preferred installer:

dzil authordeps | cpanm

Than you can build a release yourself:

dzil build

Which gives you basically the same tgz file as under the download link
from CPAN (as describes under HOME), just with more up to date 
(and maybe buggy) sources. Don't forget to:

dzil clean


Once you downloaded or created a build, you unzip it and do the usual:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

This should install to your site_perl directory.


Perl 5.12 including some core Modules.
Lincoln Stein's GD module version 2.0.36 or higher.
Carp 1.35 or higher

Optionally modules of the Graphics::ColorNames::* namespace are
required if your color definitions calls for them.
(see Chart::Color for details)

In future we might require optionally SVG 2.5 and List::Util.

CHANGES (with roadmap)




- Chart-Group (
- Herbert Breunung (


Copyright(c) 1997-1998 by David Bonner, 1999 by Peter Clark,
2001 by the Chart group at BKG-Wettzell.
2022 by Herbert Breunung and Chart group

All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 

The included  Unifont (c) by Roman Czyborra and contributors 
is licensed under the OFL (Open Font License) 1.1.