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Quality Assessment for Tone-Mapped HDR Images Using Multi-Scale and Multi-Layer Information (ICMEw 2018)
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Quality Assessment for Tone-Mapped HDR Images Using Multi-Scale and Multi-Layer Information



Code for the following paper:


Framework: Caffe 1.0 (with CUDA 8.0) + MATLAB 2016b Interface

Download the ResNet-50-model.caffemodel from and paste it into the directory "models/" before using the code! It's about 100MB which is too large to upload to this repo. If you have difficulty, you can also download the ResNet-50-model.caffemodel in my sharing on BaiduNetDisk with password u8sd.

Feature Extraction

The features are extracted from the DCNN models pre-trained on the image classification task.

Remember to change the value of "im_dir" and "im_lists" in data info!

Run ExtractFeatures.m to get the features. For features of images from the ESPL-LIVE HDR dataset, you can also download from my sharing on BaiduNetDisk with password 3aj0.

Quality Prediction by PLSR

All we need to train is a PLSR model, where the training function is plsregress.m in MATLAB.

Run QualityPrediction.m to conduct the experiments on ESPL-LIVE HDR.


Please cite our paper if it helps your research:

  title={Quality Assessment for Tone-Mapped HDR Images Using Multi-Scale and Multi-Layer Information},
  author={He, Qin and Li, Dingquan and Jiang, Tingting and Jiang, Ming},


Dingquan Li,