liesel-devs / liesel

A probabilistic programming framework
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Reactivate coverage badge action #188

Open jobrachem opened 3 months ago

jobrachem commented 3 months ago

Once the following issue is fixed, we can reactivate the coverage badge action:

Then, the following code can be added again to the pytest action:

      - name: Create coverage badge
        uses: tj-actions/coverage-badge-py@v2
          output: coverage-new.svg

      - name: Commit coverage.svg
        run: |
          git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
          git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
          git ls-remote | grep refs/heads/pytest-cov && git remote set-branches --add origin pytest-cov && git fetch
          git switch pytest-cov || git switch --orphan pytest-cov
          mv coverage-new.svg coverage.svg
          git add coverage.svg
          git diff --staged --quiet || git commit -m "Updated coverage.svg"

      - name: Push coverage.svg
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          branch: pytest-cov