liesel-devs / liesel

A probabilistic programming framework
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machine-learning probabilistic-programming python statistics

Liesel: A Probabilistic Programming Framework

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Liesel is a probabilistic programming framework with a focus on semi-parametric regression. It includes:

The name “Liesel” is an homage to the Gänseliesel fountain, landmark of Liesel’s birth city Göttingen.



The following example shows how to build a simple i.i.d. normal model with Liesel. We set up two parameters and one observed variable, and combine them in a model.

import jax.numpy as jnp
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
import liesel.model as lsl

loc = lsl.param(0.0, name="loc")
scale = lsl.param(1.0, name="scale")

y = lsl.obs(
    value=jnp.array([1.314, 0.861, -1.813, 0.587, -1.408]),
    distribution=lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=loc, scale=scale),

model = lsl.Model([loc, scale, y])

The model allows us to evaluate the log-probability through a property, which is updated automatically if the value of a node is modified.

Array(-8.635652, dtype=float32)
model.vars["loc"].value = -0.5
Array(-9.031153, dtype=float32)

We can estimate the mean parameter with Goose and a NUTS sampler. Goose’s workhorse to run an MCMC algorithm is the Engine, which can be constructed with the EngineBuilder. The builder allows us to assign different MCMC kernels to one or more parameters. We also need to specify the model, the initial values, and the sampling duration, before we can run the sampler.

import liesel.goose as gs

builder = gs.EngineBuilder(seed=42, num_chains=4)


builder.set_duration(warmup_duration=1000, posterior_duration=1000)

engine =
liesel.goose.builder - WARNING - No jitter functions provided. The initial values won't be jittered
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Initializing kernels...
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Done
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: FAST_ADAPTATION, 75 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 2, 1, 2, 0 / 75 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: SLOW_ADAPTATION, 25 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 1, 1, 1, 1 / 25 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: SLOW_ADAPTATION, 50 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 1, 1, 1, 1 / 50 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: SLOW_ADAPTATION, 100 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 1, 2, 2, 1 / 100 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: SLOW_ADAPTATION, 200 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 1, 4, 1, 1 / 200 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: SLOW_ADAPTATION, 500 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 2, 1, 1, 2 / 500 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: FAST_ADAPTATION, 50 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - WARNING - Errors per chain for kernel_00: 1, 1, 2, 2 / 50 transitions
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished warmup
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Starting epoch: POSTERIOR, 1000 transitions, 25 jitted together
liesel.goose.engine - INFO - Finished epoch

Finally, we can print a summary table and view some diagnostic plots.

results = engine.get_results()

Parameter summary:

kernel mean sd q_0.05 q_0.5 q_0.95 sample_size ess_bulk ess_tail rhat
parameter index
loc () kernel_00 -0.083 0.445 -0.810 -0.091 0.652 4000 1459.234 1874.643 1.002

Error summary:

count relative
kernel error_code error_msg phase
kernel_00 1 divergent transition warmup 38 0.009
posterior 0 0.000
gs.plot_param(results, param="loc")


Liesel requires Python ≥ 3.10. Create and activate a virtual environment, and install the latest release from PyPI:

pip install liesel

You can also install the development version from GitHub:

git clone
cd liesel
pip install .
# or `pip install -e .[dev]` for an editable install including the dev utils

Liesel depends on JAX and jaxlib. As of now, there are no official jaxlib wheels for Windows. If you are on Windows, the JAX developers recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Alternatively, you can build jaxlib from source or try the unofficial jaxlib wheels from

If you are using the lsl.plot_model() function, installing pygraphviz will greatly improve the layout of the model graphs. Make sure you have the Graphviz development headers on your system and run:

pip install pygraphviz

Again, the installation is a bit more challenging on Windows, but there are instructions on the pygraphviz website.


Please run

  1. pre-commit run -a before committing your work,
  2. make sure the tests don’t fail with pytest --run-mcmc, and
  3. make sure the examples in your docstrings are up-to-date with pytest --doctest-modules liesel.


Liesel is being developed by Paul Wiemann, Hannes Riebl, Johannes Brachem and Gianmarco Callegher with support from Thomas Kneib. Important contributions were made by Joel Beck and Alex Afanasev. We are grateful to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for funding the development through grant KN 922/11-1.