liip / bund_ds

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Design System for the Swiss Confederation

:warning: This repository is not maintained anymore.

The new repository ( is now private.

Please contact to request an access.


Delivering HTML structures, CSS assets and design elements to build frontends for the Swiss Administration websites.


Project installation

# install dependencies
$ npm install

Adapt your Node version to ^16.13.2, for example using nvm:

# Choose the right Node version
$ nvm use 16

Run Storybook

# serve Storybook with hot reload
$ npm run dev

# or
$ npm run dev:storybook

Run Nuxt application

# serve Nuxt application with hot reload
$ npm run dev:nuxt

Run both Storybook and Nuxt

# serve both Storybook and Nuxt application
$ npm run dev:all

Build Storybook

# build Storybook
$ npm run build

Build CSS only

# build Storybook
$ npm run build-css

How to release

CSS files

When a new version is pushed on the main branch, this will trigger the generation of a a new CSS file on the CDN.

If the version is 1.0.0, the CSS file will be delivered at

The latest version of the CSS file will be available at

Run visual regression testing

# run Chromatic
$ git checkout main
$ npm run test

This will run the test and provide an URL pointing to the Chromatic app. You can learn more about the Chromatic tool at Chromatic's website.

If you want to run the test before merging your branches into the main branch, you can first check out stage, merge your modifications onto this branch, and then run the regression visual test.