lijiejie / EasyPen

EasyPen is a GUI program which helps pentesters do target discovery, vulnerability scan and exploitation
605 stars 78 forks source link

EasyPen Alpha 1.0.7

Do not use EasyPen for illegal purposes, this tool is for research only


EasyPen is a GUI program which helps pentesters do target discovery, vulnerability scan and exploitation.

It has over 100 built-in scan scripts which covers most common vulnerabilities, you can easily write your own scan script and map the scan for thousands of targets.

User Manual

Change Log


Microsoft Windows users can download zipped file and run EasyPen.exe :

Users who are familiar with python can install via pip3

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

At present this project is developed and tested under Python3.8, please use Python3.8 to run this app

Ubuntu User

apt install masscan nmap hydra medusa nfs-common ipmitool rsync -y

CentOS User

yum install masscan nmap nfs-utils ipmitool rsync -y

Install hydra:
Or Install medusa:


Scan Panel Screenshot

Tools Panel Screenshot

Develop Plans

Alpha 1.0 was released, includes some basic modules. Please create issues if any bugs found.