lilezek / llm-xpath

Finds a XPATH given a HTML/XML
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Uses an LLM to find a selector (XPATH) in a HTML/XML tree.

Constructing this library

This library expects you to provide an XML parser, a XPath library, and a DOM (HTML) parser.

See src/examples/providers on how to construct the selector

const llmSelector = new LLMSelector({
    openaiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY!,
    domParser: DOMParser,
    xmlParser: XMLParser,
    xpath: XPath,

Example usage

This is a WIP: it is not published to npm or bundled as a package.

Example usage:

async function main() {
    const example = fs.readFileSync('telegram_example.html', 'utf8');
    for await (const res of llmSelector.findXPath(example, "Telegram chat page", "input field for message")) {