lilmuckers / magento-lilmuckers_queue

A generic multi-adapter queuing system for magento.
MIT License
58 stars 21 forks source link


A generic multi-adapter queuing system for magento.

This module is primarily aimed at developers who need a reliable queue management system for performing asyncronous tasks. This was built because there wasn't a decent queue management module within magento or the community that filled all my requirements. This also avoids the issues that can exist with database and cron based queueing systems (such as available with Magent Enterprise)

This module has been built to be a framework for both the producer (the task adding to the queue) and the worker (the task that performs items on the queue).

Each queue has it's own handler, so multiple tasks that are a part of the same queue can easily share resources and save memory, and it is easy to create new queues with new queue handlers. Currently this is provided with only one queue (default) and one worker (test) that merely removes itself from the queue. However this should act as enough of a framework for a developer to base his or her work upon.

Supported Queue Backends


I built this with modgit ( in mind - and so if you have modgit installed:

$ modgit add lilqueue

Or you can just merge the files manually into your magento project. This will be added as a Community pear module once it's been fully tested and deemed stable.



The configuration is similar to the cache configuration, and is held within the local.xml file. For a very simple beanstalkd configuration you'd merge this into your local.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>




For a simple Amazon SQS configuration, you must install AWS libs by pear:

pear -D auto_discover=1 install

and you'd merge this into your local.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

                    <key>{{AWS KEY}}</key>
                    <secret>{{AWS SECRET}}</secret>
                    <region>{{AWS REGION}}</region>



For a Gearman configuration, you'd merge this into your local.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>



Advanced Configuration

See the file app/etc/local.xml.queuesample for advanced configuration examples.

Creating a queue handler, defining workers, and sending a task to the queue

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <label>The Queue Name</label>

$_queue = Mage::helper('lilqueue')->getQueue('queueName');
$_task = Mage::helper('lilqueue')->createTask('taskName', array('data'=>'to provide', 'to'=>'the worker'), $storeToRunAs);


Workers are even easier, as they're just a method that receive the task as an argument. They must set a status to the task once they're done. If a task is taking longer than the allowed time by the queue backend, it can extend that time by calling touch() on the task.


class My_Module_Model_Worker extends Lilmuckers_Queue_Model_Worker_Abstract
    public function methodName(Lilmuckers_Queue_Model_Queue_Task $task)
        //get the store assigned with the task (defaults to the store that was running when the task was assigned)
        $store = $task->getStore();

        //get the queue handler for this queue
        $queue = $task->getQueue();

        //get the data assigned with the task
        $data = $task->getData();  // $task->getSpecificData();

        //This task ended properly

        //this task needs to be repeated

        //this task errored and we should drop it from the queue for later examination

        //this worker is taking a long time, we should extend the time we're allowed to use it

Running the workers

The workers are run using a shell script located within /shell/, and you can run all queues, or a subset of queues, allowing you to split the different queues to different servers, or whatever arrangement you so wish, to allow maximum flexibility. The script can also be run multiple times to allow for multiple workers

$ php /path/to/magento/shell/queue.php --watch <queues> 

Building An Adapter

If you wish to use the framework with another queueing backend then you'll need to build an adapter to support the interface between the module and the queueing system.

1. Define the adapter model

First off you need to define the adapter model within the config.xml (preferably of your own module - but if you're contributing to this module, then... woo!)

<?xml version="1.0"?>



2. Build the model class

Now you need to build the adapter class. The abstract/interface was built with the beanstalkd methodology in mind, so to be truly compatible you'll have to come up with equivilent functionality. This should extend Lilmuckers_Queue_Model_Adapter_Abstract. See that class for a list of abstract methods.

3. Configure Module

Within the local.xml you'll now need to set the backend value to the code for the adapter you assigned in step 1 (in this example adapterName).

<?xml version="1.0"?>




4. Done

Have a nice cup of tea and a sit down.


The unit tests are built with EcomDev_PHPUnit and should run with the standard test-suite.

Test Coverage

The tests cover:

The AmazonSQS adapter isn't covered by the unit tests because of reasons.

Connection Testing

You can manually send messages to the queue with the following command:

 $ cd /path/to/magento/shell/
 $ php -f queue.php --send "default:test:hello"

This will send a message to the configured queue to use the default queue, run the test worker, and send the message of "hello". This could then be viewed with your favorite monitoring software for your queue backend.



There's a few things I've tripped over when using this module in testing and in implementation: