limx0 / betfair_parser

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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A simple and fast betfair parser. Why you might like this library:


betfair_parser is built out of API building blocks, that can be used with any HTTP client you like. All API operations provide .headers(), .body() and a .parse_response() method.

The client module contains a sample, minimalistic client implementation. It may be used as is with any requests-compatible HTTP client or serve as an example, how to integrate betfair_parser with other HTTP clients.

import requests
from betfair_parser import client
from betfair_parser.spec import accounts, betting

session = requests.Session()  # or anything similar like httpx.Client()
client.login(session, "username", "password", "app_key")
client.request(session, accounts.GetAccountFunds.with_params())
# AccountFundsResponse(available_to_bet_balance=10000.0, exposure=0.0,
# retained_commission=0.0, exposure_limit=-10000.0, discount_rate=0.0,
# points_balance=10, wallet=<Wallet.UK: 'UK'>)

# Request with an invalid wallet parameter:
client.request(session, accounts.GetAccountFunds.with_params(wallet="AUS"))
# >>> AccountAPINGException: INVALID_PARAMETERS: Problem parsing the parameters,
#     or a mandatory parameter was not found

client.request(session, betting.ListCurrentOrders.with_params())
# CurrentOrderSummaryReport(current_orders=[], more_available=False)

# Support for other countries
from betfair_parser.endpoints import endpoint
endpoint_cfg = endpoint("ITA")  # alpha-3 code
client.login(session, "username", "password", "app_key", endpoints=endpoint_cfg)

See for more API call examples.


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# Set next version number
export RELEASE=x.x.x

# Create tags
git commit --allow-empty -m "Release $RELEASE"
git tag -a $RELEASE -m "Version $RELEASE"

# Push
git push --tags
git push