linagora / twake-on-matrix

A multi-platform (Flutter) application for connecting to Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized communication, with your favorite devices.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
26 stars 7 forks source link


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Twake Chat is an open source, decentralized chat app based on the Matrix protocol. It was developed by Linagora. Twake Chat is a good option for individuals and organizations who are looking for a secure and decentralized chat app. It is also a good choice for developers who want to build their own Matrix-based chat apps.




Before building, please ensure that Rust is installed because the super_clipboard package requires it. For macOS or Linux, execute the following command in Terminal.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For Windows, you can use the Rust Installer.

In case you have Rust already installed, make sure to update it to latest version:

rustup update


flutter pub get && flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Add commit hook to format and code analyze

bash scripts/

Special thanks