linamoussadek / HotelsApp
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An e-booking app for (fictional) hotels, created with: React, Express, Node, and ElephantSQL.

Steps to run:

You will need Node installed on your machine

  1. Download or clone the repository

  2. Set up the server In the command line for the project:

    1. Navigate to the server folder: cd server
    2. Install dependencies: npm install
    3. Start the server: npm run dev or npm start ~ dev provides live updates with nodemon
  3. Set up the client application:

    1. Create a new terminal window
    2. Navigate to the client folder: cd client
    3. Install dependencies: npm install
    4. Start the application: npm start
  4. To test employee features, here is a sample list of employeeIDs (for login) and their corresponding hotel

EmploeeID Hotel Name
1 The Mardini Martini
2 The Golden Star
3 The Sapphire Skyline
4 The Ocean View
5 The Alpine Lodge


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