A dask extension of nested-pandas.
Nested-pandas is a pandas extension package that empowers efficient analysis of nested associated datasets. This package wraps the majority of the nested-pandas API with Dask, which enables easy parallelization and capacity for work at scale.
Before installing any dependencies or writing code, it's a great idea to create a
virtual environment. LINCC-Frameworks engineers primarily use conda
to manage virtual
environments. If you have conda installed locally, you can run the following to
create and activate a new environment.
>> conda create env -n <env_name> python=3.10
>> conda activate <env_name>
Once you have created a new environment, you can install this project for local development using the following commands:
>> pip install -e .'[dev]'
>> pre-commit install
>> conda install pandoc
may not be required for your operating system.pre-commit install
will initialize pre-commit for this local repository, so
that a set of tests will be run prior to completing a local commit. For more
information, see the Python Project Template documentation on
allows you to verify that automatic rendering of Jupyter notebooks
into documentation for ReadTheDocs works as expected. For more information, see
the Python Project Template documentation on
Sphinx and Python Notebooks